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Bill: Rescinded The Inactivity Eviction Act

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Jun 29, 2024
Author: Regyna Allen MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament


Establish regulations for the eviction of plot owners due to prolonged inactivity, ensuring proper handling of their items and potential auctioning of buildings.
1 Pronouncement and intention
(a) This bill is being introduced to ensure the efficient use of land and resources within the Azalea Isles by addressing the issue of inactive plot ownership. It aims to prevent valuable plots from remaining unused due to owner inactivity and to establish a process for handling the property and items of inactive owners.

2 Inactivity and Eviction
(a) If an individual who owns a plot has been inactive for 30 consecutive days, they will be evicted from their plot(s).
(b) Inactivity is defined as the lack of any logged-in activity by the plot owner for the specified period.

3 Handling of Items
(a) Upon eviction, all items within the plot, including chests, shulker boxes, barrels, and other storage containers, will be vaulted.

4 Auctioning of Buildings
(a) Any buildings or structures on the evicted plot may be subject to auction if the government chooses to do so.
(b) The auctioning process will be conducted in a fair and transparent manner, with details and procedures outlined by a ministry chosen by the government.
(c) Proceeds from the auction will be deposited into the government's balance.

5 Notices of Inactivity
(a) If a plot owner knows that they will be unable to remain active for more than 30 days for any given reason. They may issue a notice of inactivity to the Ministry of Urban Development, notifying them of how long they will be inactive.
(b) If the individual does not regain activity after the timeframe they have provided, they will still be subject to eviction after that time is over.

6 Transfer of Ownership for Companies/Businesses
(a) Should a plot be owned by a company or business, the option for ownership to be transferred down the chain of command may be offered for a one-week period after the 30 days of inactivity.
(b) The transferal process will incur a fee determined through an evaluation by The Ministry of Commerce.

7 Enforcement
(a) The Ministry of Urban Development will be responsible for monitoring plot activity and enforcing this Act.
(b) The Ministry of Urban Development will issue eviction notices to inactive plot owners and manage the auctioning of buildings in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce.
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