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The Azalea Economic Restart Grant Scheme


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Parliament Speaker
Jul 1, 2024
The Azalea Economic Restart Grant Scheme
Published and Enforced by The Ministry Of Commerce
Written by Luke201556 based on the economic reporting of Milqy​

Small Business Finance Grant:
In order to increase the funds of new small businesses and to help them pay for their start-up costs it is decided that a one time per person who actively owns a company funding grant will be given.
  • Must not have had the grant before.
  • Must own or rent one property registered under a company.
  • Must have at least 5 hours of game time.

    Grant amount: $3,000
Food Production Grant:
In order to increase the supply of farmable food stuffs and advanced cooked items we have deemed it necessary to provide a grant to subsidise its production, distribution and storage.
  • Must not have had the grant before.
  • Must be a cook or a farmer
  • Must own or rent one property.
  • Must have atleast 3 hours of game time.

Fuel Production Grant:
In order to start domestic fuel of most importance Gasoline (or petrol for civilised people) production the Ministry of Commerce has deemed it of utmost importance both economically and security wise that production must be started as soon as possible. As such we will be providing this grant to the first two individuals who can provide evidence to the ability to both produce and distribute Gasoline.
This grant will only be provided twice.
  • Must not have had the grant before.
  • Must be able to prove the ability to both distribute and produce Gasoline.
  • Must own or rent one property.
  • Must have atleast 7 hours of game time.
Grant amount: $25,000

Conformation of Enforcement: