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Act of Parliament The Anti-Slander Act


New member
Jun 29, 2024
Author: Regyna Allen MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament

Make the act of slandering someone illegal and establish the legal framework for suing for slander, including requirements for proving damages and intent.
Preamble: This bill seeks to protect individuals from false and damaging statements that harm their reputations. It aims to provide a legal mechanism for individuals to seek redress for slander and to ensure that those who engage in slanderous behavior are held accountable. By establishing clear definitions, prohibitions, and legal procedures, this Act will uphold the integrity and dignity of all citizens.

1 Definition of Slander
(a) Slander is defined as making false and damaging statements about someone.

2 Prohibition of Slander
(a) The act of slandering someone is hereby illegal.

3 Legal Action for Slander
(a) An individual may sue for slander.
(b) Damages resulting from slander are not presumed and must be proven in a court of law.
(c) In addition to proving damages, the plaintiff must also prove the defendant's intent to damage their reputation.

4 Criminal Code
(a) The following shall be added to the Criminal Code under "Miscellaneous"
(i) Law Name: Slander
(ii) Short Description: Making false and damaging statements about someone
(b) The following shall be listed as punishment for the above
(i) A minimum fine of $50 at the discretion of the courts

5 Punishment and Compensation
(a) If the defendant is proven to have purposefully damaged the plaintiff's reputation, they shall be ordered to pay the plaintiff compensation of no less than $50.
(b) The judge presiding over the case will use the evidence provided to determine the compensation amount paid to the plaintiff by the defendant.
(c) The compensation amount will be at the discretion of the court based on the severity of the damage and the evidence presented.

6 Enforcement
(a) Courts will handle cases of slander and determine the appropriate compensation based on the evidence and the intent to damage reputation.

Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately upon passage.
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"By the authority invested the in Kingdom of Regalis, and in the loyal people of Azalea Isles, I hereby declare Amendments to the The Anti-Slander Act to be law in the Isles, with the full force of enactment."
- Queen Eleanora of the Kingdom of Regalis