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Parliament - ELECTION JANUARY 2025

Select up to seven candidates that you wish to vote for.

  • Mr. Thegreat (Luke201556) [LCA]

  • Mr. Carrington (ven0msaint) [CDU]

  • Mr. Adisia (Stoppers) [CDU]

  • Mr. Hamilton (Galavance) [APA]

  • Mr. Latutupou (Tonga1) [APP]

  • Mr. Spy (spyrolix) [APA]

  • Mr. Nanicholls (nanicholls) [APA]

  • Mr. Wetc [CDU]

  • Mr. James (fluffywaafelz) [CDU]

  • Mr. Chris (ChAkselsen1450) [CDU]

  • Mr. Que (Christofmeg) [CDU]

  • Mr. Crack (MilkCrack) [CDU]

  • Mr. Boy (Yeet_Boy)

  • Ms. Catenjoyer (Nopuu) [APA]

  • Mr. Cofys (Cofys) [APA]

  • Mr. Alcohol (d3froggy) [APA]

  • Mr. Crumplesnatch (Fergie_Foo) [APA]

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.


Jun 26, 2024


This is the official thread for the election of the Queen's Parliament in Azalea Isles, occurring January 10-19, 2025. For information on the position and process of government, refer to the Constitution of Azalea Isles.

The Queen's Parliament consists of 7 seats, in accordance with legislated requirements.

In order to run for office, you need to:
  • Own or rent a property within Azalea Isles as a resident.
  • Be a citizen of Azalea Isles more than one (1) week prior to the electoral period.
  • Have a cumulative playtime of at least three (3) hours and a monthly playtime of at least one (1) hour.
  • Be not convicted of any crimes with adjudicated punishments that disqualify them from public office in accordance with the law.
If you are running on behalf of a party, please ensure you have the permission of the party to run under their banner.

You may declare by replying to this thread using the following format:

"I, <username or character name>, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as <an independent or party name>. I sign this declaration from <address>"

e.g. "I, Raymond West, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Loyalist Party. I sign this declaration from b001"

Declarations close on the 17th day of this month. After that, voting will be open until January 19, 2025.
I, Luke TheGreat, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of LCA. I sign this declaration from B098
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I, James Carrington, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as member of the Capitalistic Democratic Union. I sign this declaration from b005, apt 01.
I, Stoppers, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as member of the Capitalistic Democratic Union. I sign this declaration from r014.
I, Gala Hamilton, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Azalean People's Alliance. I sign this declaration from b001.
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I Tomasi Latutupou, declare that i will be seeking a seat in parliament as a member of the Azalean Panther Party. I sign this declaration from F010.
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I, Oliver Spy, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Azalean People's Alliance. I sign this declaration from b023 apt. 1
I, Nanicholls, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Azalean People's Alliance. I sign this declaration from B049.
I, wetc, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Capitalist Democratic Union. I sign this declaration from B009.
I, fluffywaafelz, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the CDU. I sign this declaration from hfr-restaurant.
I, ChAkselsen1450, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the CDU I sign this declaration from b067
I, Christofmeg declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the CDU I sign this declaration from b069.
I, Milkcrack declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the CDU I sign this declaration from b069, plushieapt.
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I, Yeet_Boy, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as an Independent. I sign this declaration from b005apt-07.
I, Nopu Catenjoyer, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Azalean People's Alliance. I sign this declaration from b001.
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I, Cofys, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Azalean People's Alliance. I sign this declaration from b061.
I, SumoMC, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as an Independent. I sign this declaration from vtapt-02.

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I, John Alcohol, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament as a member of the Azalean People's Alliance. I sign this declaration from b001
I, Jebediah Crumplesnatch, against my better judgement, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in Parliament, with the Azalean People's Alliance. I for some stupid reason sign this declaration from B006/7.

What the fuck am I doing
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