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Minister of Social Services CIF

Kingdom of Regalis

New member
Jun 25, 2024
Consideration Interest Forum - Minister of Social Services

The Colony Planning Committee of Regalis, on behalf of the Government of Azalea Isles, has opened up this thread for open-interest submissions to the Minister of Social Services role. Please be advised that this is not an application, but rather just a way for people to indicate that they would like to be considered for the role. This forum will close on August 30, 2024.

The Minister of Social Services will be tasked with continuing the hard work of the honourable Cofys Kaer.

Expectations for a Minister
  • Ministers are expected to:
    • Remain consistently active through their tenure where possible.
    • Hire, fire, and manage employees in their Ministry.
    • Be accountable to members of the public.

Responsibilities of a Social Services Ministry
  • It is expected that the Ministry of Social Services will:
    • Support in the development of community guides and learning.
    • Manage tours and integration for new immigrants.
    • Ensure the well-being and health of all citizens.
    • Evaluate professions and promote job opportunities for citizens.

When submitting your interest in the CIF for Minister of Social Services, please use this format:

Reason for Interest:
Possible Ideas or Plans:
Current Experience in Azalea:

"I swear allegiance to Queen Eleanora, and if selected as Minister of Commerce, will faithfully execute my duties in line with the Mandate. I shall stand by her Majesty and oppose any traitors to the colony."

The Crown thanks you for your support in developing Azalea's community.
Name: xtub12345
Reason for Interest: The Job Appears to require a mix of skills/experience that I have gained on other servers and would like to use.
Possible Ideas or Plans:
  • Job Fair: A Specific event where the specific abilities/benefits of certain jobs are displayed to promote interest in positions required throughout the community.
  • JobFinder: A dedicated partnership program between the government and private corporations where people with specific trades/professions can be sorted to a company that is currently hiring with positions that require their specific skills.
  • JobMatcher: A program ran by the department to assist those who do not quite know what job they want, standardized questions will be asked to help determine the profession that they will most enjoy themselves in.
  • GovJobs: A program between government ministries to encourage people to work in government.
  • Hiring Bonuses/Other Incentives: The Department will need a decent amount of staff to be able to start working on the plans above, along with fulfilling the duties of the department. These incentives will encourage people to work in the department.
  • Parliament: Working with the Parliament to get support for bills that will support the department (ie. establishing health care systems or improving on them)
Note: All of these programs and plans would be implemented in phases so that we are not overloaded, and will come after the department fulfils it's other duties.

Current Experience in Azalea: I do some farming ig.

"I swear allegiance to Queen Eleanora, and if selected as Minister of Social Services, will faithfully execute my duties in line with the Mandate. I shall stand by her Majesty and oppose any traitors to the colony."
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