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Minister of Justice CIF

Kingdom of Regalis

New member
Jun 25, 2024
Consideration Interest Forum - Minister of Justice

The Colony Planning Committee of Regalis, on behalf of the Government of Azalea Isles, has opened up this thread for open-interest submissions to the Minister of Social Services role. Please be advised that this is not an application, but rather just a way for people to indicate that they would like to be considered for the role. This forum will close on August 12, 2024.

The Minister of Justice will be tasked with ensuring the law is actively enforced.

Expectations for a Minister
  • Ministers are expected to:
    • Remain consistently active through their tenure where possible.
    • Hire, fire, and manage employees in their Ministry.
    • Be accountable to members of the public.

Responsibilities of a Justice Ministry
  • It is expected that the Ministry of Justice will:
    • Enforce the criminal code and laws of Azalea Isles.
    • Oversee and manage a database containing criminal records.
    • Maintain police-related facilities, including the prison and police station.
    • Support the government representation of Azalea Isles in court-related disputes.

When submitting your interest in the CIF for Minister of Justice, please use this format:

Reason for Interest:
Possible Ideas or Plans:
Current Experience in Azalea:

"I swear allegiance to Queen Eleanora, and if selected as Minister of Commerce, will faithfully execute my duties in line with the Mandate. I shall stand by her Majesty and oppose any traitors to the colony."

The Crown thanks you for your support in developing Azalea's community.
Name: Mike Peregrine ((MikAndSoj/ThePeregrine))
Reason for Interest: I've been an attorney at law in the great Azalea Isles for a while now. I am also the founder of the Citizens' Rights Organization Whistle (CROW), an organization that protects the rights and freedoms of the Citizens and makes sure the laws passed are for the greater good of Azalea and the whole Kingdom. I want to keep doing this but while working closer to the heart of the Azalea Isles and the Crown. I'm just, I'd even say the only just candidate at the time of writing, I believe in Justice, comprised of rights, freedom, peace, order and a just government, because without "Just", we're just out on thin "ice".

Possible Ideas or Plans: One of my main plans is to work hard on reviewing current laws and proposing new laws. We need to maek sure the citizens are safe, and that our society grows and lives well. I believe there are a few reforms to the current way laws are passed, that need to be done in order to protect the People, but also to make sure no dissatisfaction arrises which could pose a potential threat to the Crown, Government or the order in our great Isles. I will work closely to the other Ministries an the Crown, to ensure our systems are stable, that our citizens live safely. I will put in effect systems that ensure fair trials, prevent corruption, and will do everything in my power, for the Courts to help the people and for the whole Legal System to work for the people and Crown, not against anybody, while working to ensure no criminals get free passes.
I will go whatever route is necessary to ensure the safety and prosperity of our people, I am prepared for both the more rehabilitative ways as well as the more strict ways that protect society from dangerous people.
I will also work on improving the Law Enforcement, getting them more active, getting them the equipment and training they need to be as effective as possible.

Current Experience in Azalea:
I'm an Attorney at Law, the founder and Director of Law and Incorporated(LAI), with it's proprietary "Law and Order Security Group"(LAO) and "Law and Welfare Legal Firm"(LAW). I also lead the "Citizens Rights Organization Whistle", a NGO non profit that watches the laws and current situations in the Azalea Isles to protect the rights and freedoms of the People, as well as help those people who are in need of legal help.
I am also a government employee, working within the Ministry of Urban Development as a Property Inspector and District analysist, in addition to this, I am also since recently a Public Defender, to further help the citizens with their legal issues.

"I swear allegiance to Queen Eleanora, and if selected as Minister of Justice, will faithfully execute my duties in line with the Mandate. I shall stand by her Majesty and oppose any traitors to the colony."
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Name: Rachael Allen (IGN: Sisame)

Reason for Interest: I am putting in a CIF to express my keen interest in the position of Minister of Justice within Azalea Isles. As the second-longest serving lawyer in this colony, I have developed a deep understanding and passion for our legal system and its pivotal role in maintaining order and fairness in our community. My extensive experience, both in this colony and in similar positions in other nations governing bodies, uniquely qualifies me to contribute effectively to this vital ministry.

Possible Ideas or Plans: Some ideas I aim to implement are that I want to ensure that the appropriate positions within the Ministry can impound vehicles, I plan to work closely with the appropriate parties to ensure all laws are upheld and the proper permissions are assigned to the correct positions. This way the ministry can effectively enforce the laws of Azalea Isles. Since I am still serving as Deputy Minister to the Ministry of Events and Culture, I would work closely to implement security protocols which would allow and ensure citizens to safely partake in such events.

Current Experience in Azalea: My journey in Azalea Isles has been marked by a consistent dedication to public service and community building. I have had the privilege of serving as Deputy Minister of both the Ministry of Urban Development and, most recently, the Ministry of Events and Culture. These roles have equipped me with valuable administrative skills and a comprehensive understanding of our colony's governance and cultural dynamics.
In the Ministry of Urban Development, I assisted in overseeing infrastructure projects and urban planning, ensuring that our city’s growth was sustainable and beneficial to all residents. As Deputy Minister of Events and Culture, I play a key role in organizing and executing events that foster community engagement and enrich our cultural landscape.

"I swear allegiance to Queen Eleanora, and if selected as Minister of Commerce, will faithfully execute my duties in line with the Mandate. I shall stand by her Majesty and oppose any traitors to the colony."