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Act of Parliament Improper Parking Act


New member
Jun 29, 2024
Author: Regyna Allen MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament


Make it illegal to leave vehicles improperly parked on public or private property without permission, and to establish fines and impoundment procedures for such violations.
1 Pronouncement and intention
(a) This bill is being introduced to ensure proper parking practices within the Azalea Isles, prevent obstruction and misuse of public and private property, and establish clear consequences for illegal parking. It aims to maintain order and accessibility in public spaces and respect for private property rights.

2 Prohibition of Illegal Parking
(a) It is illegal to leave any vehicle on public or government property except in a specified parking lot.
(b) It is illegal to park your vehicle on someone's property without their permission.
(c) It is illegal to leave your vehicle parked in a parking lot for more than 30 days.

3 Criminal Code
(a) The following shall be added to the Criminal Code under "Miscellaneous"
(i) Law Name: Illegal Parking
(ii) Short Description: Parking your vehicle on public or government property outside of a parking lot, parking your vehicle on someone's property without permission, and/or leaving your vehicle parked in a parking lot for more than 30 days.
(b) The following shall be listed as punishment for the above
(i) A $100 fine per vehicle + impounding of vehicle(s)

4 Penalties
(a) The punishment for any of the violations outlined in Section 2 shall be a fine of $100 per vehicle.
(b) Vehicles found in violation will be impounded.

5 Impoundment and Retrieval
(a) The Ministry of Justice will be responsible for establishing a procedure for the retrieval of impounded vehicles.
(b) Owners of impounded vehicles must follow the established procedure to reclaim their vehicles, including payment of any fines and impoundment fees.

6 Enforcement
(a) The Ministry of Justice will be responsible for enforcing this Act.
(b) Reports of illegal parking should be investigated promptly, and appropriate action taken to impound vehicles and issue fines.

Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately upon passage.
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"By the authority invested the in Kingdom of Regalis, and in the loyal people of Azalea Isles, I hereby declare the Improper Parking At to be law in the Isles, with the full force of enactment."
- Queen Eleanora of the Kingdom of Regalis