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Bill: Passed Governing Structure Act

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Parliament Member
Jun 30, 2024
Author: Lysander Lyon, MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament


Reestablish Government Structure​

Preamble: There exists a need to redefine and reclarify several pieces of the government, and one single bill rather than a chain of continued amendments is the best at achieving this goal.

1. Short Title and Enactment
(a) This bill shall be referred to as the "Governing Structure Act".
(b) This bill was authored by Lysander Lyon, MP.

2. Reason
(a) Formalize the ministries.
(b) Allow for departments.
(c) Clarify government structure.

3. Repeals
(a) The “Ministries Establishment Act” shall be repealed.
(b) “The Westray amendment to the Ministries establishment act” shall be repealed.

4. Ministries
(a) Ministers are empowered to establish programs and policies necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of their ministries.
(i) These policies are subject to the authority of the Prime Minister, who may issue executive orders altering, suspending, cancelling, or creating programs and policies.
(b) All ministry policies must be published under the respective ministry’s category on the forums.
(i) These policies are subject to the laws and the Constitution of the Azalea Isles and cannot contravene them.
(ii) Policies created by a ministry may not assign criminal punishments.

(d) The Prime Minister may issue executive orders to ensure the proper operation of the executive branch, which includes prescribing or vetoing policy programs within ministries.
(e) Ministries are formal organisations within the government designed for a specific area.
(f) Ministries must be led by a Minister, and are entitled to their own discord server.
(i) Ministers shall be appointed by the Prime Minister as part of their government, and shall be automatically removed once a new government is formed.

5. Departments
(a) Departments are organizations within ministries designed to handle specific areas of policy.
(b) Departments are not led by a Minister, but by a department head.
(i) Department heads may have a different title other than “Department Head of <department name>” as assigned by their Minister.
(c) Ministers may create departments and appoint department heads.
(d) The creation of departments and appointment of department heads is subject to the power of executive order, and the Prime Minister may order the dissolution or creation of departments using this power. The Prime Minister may remove a department head unilaterally, as may the relevant Minister, but the Minister is the one who chooses who to appoint to the role.
(e) Department heads are not automatically removed upon the formation of a new government.

6. Urban Development & Planning
(a) This act maintains the Ministry of Urban Development which shall primarily be charged with:
(i) Managing and creating government land, buildings, transport and infrastructure.
(ii) Managing and planning government development zones subject to cabinet approval.
(iii) Enforcing plot & building regulations
(iv) Proposing zoning and building regulations to the cabinet.
(v) Creating Destination plans for government buildings and plots.

7. Economic Affairs
(a) This act merges the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Economic Affairs into one Ministry, titled the Ministry of Economic Affairs, which shall primarily be charged with:
(i) Administering government grants.
(ii) Managing the registration of companies.
(iii) Enforcing compliance with national corporate standards.
(iv) Compiling economic and government financial data, including providing tax projections to Parliament.
(v) Promoting and maintaining the economy.
(vi) Managing the nation’s resource stockpile.
(vii) Accepting and negotiating trade deals.
(viii) Organizing and facilitating government tenders programs.

8. Justice & Law
(a) This act maintains the Ministry of Justice which shall primarily be charged with:
(i) Operating the police department
(ii) Acting ethically and lawfully at the Prime Minister’s direction.
(iii) Managing Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.
(iv) Managing and maintaining the Azalea Isles Criminal Code.
(v) Defending the national legal interests.
(vi) Investigating and prosecuting on behalf of the Government.

9. Events & Culture
(a) This act maintains the Ministry of Events & Culture which shall primarily be charged with:
(i) Organizing and hosting government-sanctioned events.
(ii) Managing bookings for government recreational facilities.

10. Social Services
(a) This act maintains the Ministry of Social Services which shall primarily be charged with:
(i) Making knowledge accessible to the public.
(ii) Manage and assist with exams and career progression programs.
(iii) Maintaining and updating the government wiki.
(iv) Administering political party registrations.

11. Agriculture and Wildlife
(a) This act hereby establishes a Ministry of Agriculture and Wildlife which shall primarily be charged with:
(i) Regulating agricultural activity, including crop production, livestock management, and rural land use.
(ii) Overseeing food safety, distribution, and the operation of public and private food-related enterprises.
(iii) Protecting and managing wildlife, natural ecosystems, and conservation zones within the city and its surroundings.
(iv) Managing the wild islands surrounding the city island.

12. Office of the Prime Minister
(a) The Prime Minister may appoint a Deputy Prime Minister, as well as Cabinet Advisors, to support in the administration of the government.
(i) The Deputy Prime Minister shall be responsible for supporting the Prime Minister in governing the country in the Prime Minister’s absence. The Deputy Prime Minister must be an incumbent Member of Parliament.
(ii) Cabinet Advisors shall be responsible for supporting the government in an area not already managed by a Minister. This could include, but is not limited to: public relations, government planning, research coordination, and special projects management. They may be granted a different title than “Cabinet Advisor” but it must relate to the area the individual is supporting, and it does not confer any privileges above being a Cabinet Advisor.

(b) There may only be one Deputy Prime Minister and no more than three Cabinet Advisors, regardless of title. They are appointed by and dismissed by the Prime Minister at the Prime Minister’s discretion.
(c) These individuals will not be automatically removed at the end of a term, but will be removed automatically once a new government has been formed.

Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately after passage.
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