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Case: Adjourned fluffywaafelz v. ko531 (2024) CV 03


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Aug 17, 2024
fluffywaafelz, Plaintiff


ko531, Defendant

Civil Complaint:
The Defendant repeatedly killed and robbed the Plaintiff. This action of mass murder caused the Platintiff large amounts of mental and financial distress. In total the Defendant robbed $499 from the Plaintiff, which is a large sum of money.

Plaintiff - fluffywaafelz
Defendant - ko531

Factual Allegations:
The Plaintiff was killed several times by the Defendant, at least 6 times. The Plaintiff was robbed by the Defendant 6 times summing a total for $499. The Plaintiff was severely damaged mentall and financially by these actions, causing major duress.

Legal Claims:
The Plaintiff was illegally robbed and caused many damages by the actions of the Defendant.

Prayer for Relief:
The Plaintiff kindly requests the Judiciary to grant a sum total of $1,500 be granted to the Plaintiff in damages done by the Defendant. $499 in damages from the robbers, $500 in damages from mental stress, and $501 in damages for punitive actions.

I fluffywaafelz, hereby affirm that the allegations in the complaint AND all subsequent statements made in court are true and correct to the best of the plaintiff's knowledge, information, and belief and that any falsehoods may bring the penalty of perjury.
In the Court of the Azalea Isles

Objection Motion to Summary Judgement

Your Honor, the facts are clear with provided evidence, there is no possible rebuttal to the given facts of the case.

Thank you

Writ of Summons

Azalea Isles Civil Court (CV)

Case No. CV-24-03

Plaintiff: Lebron James (fluffywaafelz)

Defendant: Koo Koo (ko531)

The Defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of fluffywaafelz v. Ko531. Failure to respond within 48 hours may result in a default judgement.

Both parties are ask to familiarize themselves with the relevant court documents, including proper formats, as well as the laws referenced in the complaint. Ensure that you comply with any court orders.
Hon. Justice Raymond West
fluffywaafelz, Plaintiff


ko531, Defendant

Answer to Civil Complaint:
Your Honor, there has been zero evidence provided at this point. Everything said in this filing up to this point is unsubstantiated claims against me. In order to allow this case as it stands currently to continue and reach a verdict would set precedent that there is zero standard of proof for a lawsuit.

Plaintiff - fluffywaafelz
Defendant - ko531

Factual Defenses or Challenges:
1. The Defense neither Confirms nor Denies the Plaintiff was killed several times by the Defendant, at least 6 times.
2. The Defense neither Confirms nor Denies the Plaintiff was robbed by the Defendant 6 times summing a total for $499.
3. The Defense Denies the Plaintiff was severely damaged mentally and financially by these actions, causing major duress.

Legal Defenses or Challenges:
Again, there is not a single piece of evidence provided. For this lawsuit as it stands to continue to a verdict would set dangerous precedent that there is not a standard of proof. These so far are unproven claims that are baseless in nature.

I, ko531, hereby affirm that the allegations in the answer AND all subsequent statements made in court are true and correct to the best of the defendant’s knowledge, information, and belief and that any falsehoods may bring the penalty of perjury.
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in the Court of the Azalea Isles

Motion to Dismiss

Your Honor, the plaintiff has failed to provide any evidence to substantiate their claims against me. With zero evidence, no standard of proof has been meet meaning this case cannot move forward. To allow a case with zero evidence to continue would set terrible precedent that could have catastrophic aftereffects. Something like this needs to be snuffed before damage can be done not only to me but to the entire legal field of the Azalea Isles.
In the Court of the Azalea Isles

Objection Motion to Summary Judgement

Your Honor, the facts are clear with provided evidence, there is no possible rebuttal to the given facts of the case.

Thank you

At this time, the Court has decided to reject your motion for a summary judgement. This motion is only necessary in cases where there is no dispute of fact. Considering that the Defendant has responded to contest such case, there is dispute over the facts.

Specifically, the Court must examine:
  • How much, if any, was stolen from the Plaintiff.
  • How many times, if at all, was the Plaintiff murdered.
  • How was mental stress incurred by the Defendant's alleged actions.
In order to prove how much was stolen and how many times the Plaintiff was allegedly murdered, evidence (screenshots and or witness testimony) will need to be provided to the Court.
The Court hereby requests that the Plaintiff, fluffywaafelz, provide evidence in order to substantiate the claims made in this case. This can include physical evidence and or names of possible witnesses relevant to the case.

The Plaintiff has 48 hours to respond to this request before the Court rules on the Defendant's motion to dismiss.
Your Honor,

First off I want to give my sincerest apologies for not initially providing evidence. I simply forgot to link the images but I do have them.

Secondly I request a 24 hour extension as I’m out of town and not able to get to my computer.

Thank you
Your Honor,

First off I want to give my sincerest apologies for not initially providing evidence. I simply forgot to link the images but I do have them.

Secondly I request a 24 hour extension as I’m out of town and not able to get to my computer.

Thank you
The Court has granted this extension. You have 24 hours from now to provide evidence of the events alleged in this case.
Your Honor,

Here is the relevant evidence for the case. Keep in mind I wasn't able to get everything so there was more damage done.

in the Court of the Azalea Isles

Motion to Dismiss

Your Honor, the plaintiff has failed to provide any evidence to substantiate their claims against me. With zero evidence, no standard of proof has been meet meaning this case cannot move forward. To allow a case with zero evidence to continue would set terrible precedent that could have catastrophic aftereffects. Something like this needs to be snuffed before damage can be done not only to me but to the entire legal field of the Azalea Isles.
After careful consideration, the Court has decided to respectfully reject your motion to dismiss. Upon the Court's request, the Plaintiff has now provided evidence to substantiate his claims.

Considering that you did not have the opportunity to review this evidence at the case filing, the Court will now provide you, the Defendant, 48 hours to contest or otherwise challenge the evidence presented.
Considering that the Defendant did not respond, the Court will move forward with the next phase of the trial.

The Defendant and Plaintiff are both asked to indicate if they wish to call any witnesses or submit additional evidence to support their arguments.

If either party does not respond in 24 hours, it will be assumed that they do not have any witnesses to call.
In the Court of the Azalea Isles

Motion for Default Judgement

Your Honor, the facts are clear and there is no disputing them. I have provided clear and irrefutable evidence to prove my case against the defendant. I kindly ask we wrap this up as the defendant has failed to reply within his allotted time limit.

Thank you.
In the Court of the Azalea Isles

Motion for Default Judgement

Your Honor, the facts are clear and there is no disputing them. I have provided clear and irrefutable evidence to prove my case against the defendant. I kindly ask we wrap this up as the defendant has failed to reply within his allotted time limit.

Thank you.
After careful consideration, the Court has decided to respectfully reject your motion for default judgement. The proper motion would be for a summary judgement, which the Court will also not grant at this time.

While you have provided evidence of the murders occurring, the Defendant may still contest these accusations based on a point of law, the arguments presented, or any other number of components. The Court does not believe that the case presented is irrefutable enough to deprive the Defendant of the lawful opportunity to defend himself.
If the Plaintiff, fluffywaafelz, does not have any witnesses to call, then they are asked to please provide a closing statement to the Court within the next 48 hours.
Since the Plaintiff, fluffywaafelz, did not provide his closing statement within the specified timeline, the Court will move forward to the next step in the procedure. The Defendant, ko531, is asked to please provide a closing statement within the next 48 hours.
In the Court of the Azalea Isles

Motion for Summary Judgement

Your Honor, the defendant showed his lack of willingness to provide a closing statement. He has already missed one deadline and reacted with letters n, o, p, e when prompted to give his closing statement. Lets just hurry this up.

Thank you.
In the Court of the Azalea Isles

Motion for Summary Judgement

Your Honor, the defendant showed his lack of willingness to provide a closing statement. He has already missed one deadline and reacted with letters n, o, p, e when prompted to give his closing statement. Lets just hurry this up.

Thank you.

Due to the Defendant's lack of responsiveness, the Court will be granting your motion and moving forward to a verdict.
Court Verdict
Azalea Isles Civil Court (CV)

Case No. CV-24-03
Lebron James (fluffywaafelz) v. Koo Koo (ko531)

In writing this verdict, the court wishes to acknowledge that the lack of responsiveness from both parties in this case has forced the court to make a decision based on the little information that was presented.

Position of the Plaintiff
1. The Plaintiff, fluffywaafelz, alleges that the Defendant robbed a large sum of money and murdered him multiple times repeatedly.
2. The Plaintiff argues that the Defendant's actions caused large amounts of mental and financial distress.

Position of the Defendant
1. The Defendant, Ko531, did not deny nor confirm whether or not they committed the murders and robberies.
2. The Defendant argues that no proof of mental and financial distress had been provided by the Plaintiff.

Court Opinion
1. The Defendant's failure to engage with the evidence presented leaves no option but for the court to believe that the Defendant had murdered the Plaintiff multiple times and robbed a total of $499 from their personal balance.
2. While the court acknowledges the potential impact on emotional distress, the Plaintiff failed to adequately explain or build upon the arguments. In particular, the Plaintiff did not provide any evidence or case to support a $500 valuation for the "mental stress" claim.
3. In addition, the Plaintiff failed to sufficiently justify why punitive damages should be placed upon the Defendant or to justify a $501 valuation. The court finds that while the Defendant’s actions were harmful, they did not rise to the level of malice or extraordinary misconduct typically required for punitive damages.
4. The court finds that while evidence of the financial loss remains irrefutable, the Plaintiff was unable to adequately justify the other damages (as noted in §3 and §4) and therefore will not be granted the full relief.

The Azalea Isles Civil Court hereby rules in favour of the Plaintiff, granting a limited prayer for relief. The Defendant is hereby ordered to pay the Plaintiff a total of $499, the total sum of financial loss incurred by the robberies.
Hon. Justice Raymond West