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Bill: Proposed Fiscal Stability Act

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Parliament Member
Dec 2, 2024
Author: Nanicholls, MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament

Stabilize Azalea’s Government Finances

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(a) This bill shall be referred to as the "Fiscal Stability Act".
(b) This bill was authored by Nanicholls, MP.

2 - Reason
(a) Rebuild Fiscal Capacity of the Government.
(b) Change course from the current projected fiscal disaster.

3 - Repeals
(a) The “Axe the Tax Act” shall be repealed.

4 - Personal Balance Taxes
(a) The Personal Balance Tax rate is administered every 7 days for every citizen’s balance.
(b) < $6000 0.75%
(c) $6000 - $50,000: 1%
(d) $50,001 - $150,000: 1.5%
(e) $150,001 - $299,999: 2%
(f) $300,000 - $499,999: 2.5%
(g) $500,000 - $1,000,000: 3%
(h) $1,000,001 - $10,000,000: 4%

5 - Business Balance Taxes
(a) The Business Balance Tax rate is administered every 7 days for every business’s balance.
(b) < $6000 0.75%
(c) $6000 - $50,000: 1%
(d) $50,001 - $150,000: 1.5%
(e) $150,001 - $299,999: 2%
(f) $300,000 - $499,999: 2.5%
(g) $500,000 - $1,000,000: 3%
(h) $1,000,001 - $10,000,000: 4%

6 - Property Tax
(a) The Property Tax rate is administered every 24 hours for every citizen and business owned
(b) The following tax rates shall apply for the given values:
(c) 1 plot : 0$
(d) 2 plots 15$
(e) 3 plots 20$
(f) 4 plots 40$
(g) 5 Plots 50$
(h) 6 plots 60$
(i) 7 plots 80 $
(j) 8 plots 90$
(k) 9: plots 110$
(l) 10: 150$
(m)11: 160 $
(n) 12: 180$
(o)13: 200$
(p) 14: 230 $
(q) 15: 260$
(r) 16: 290 $
(s) 17: 310$
(t) 18: 340$
(u) 19: 370$
(v) 20: 400 $
(w) Any number of plots above 20 will be taxed at 600$ per 24 hours.

7 - Sales Tax
(a) All sales from chestshops will be taxed at 2%

8 - Bank Tax
(a) Transactions on sub accounts will be taxed at 0.75%

Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately after passage.