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Case: Adjourned Crumplesnatch v. Bezzer (2024) CV 02


Jun 30, 2024
Jebediah Crumplesnatch, Plaintiff


Bezzer, Defendant

Civil Complaint:
The citizens of Azalea are legally entitled to have a parliament which follows the letter of the law. Since his appointment to the role of Speaker, Bezzer has flagrantly violated these laws. He refused to surrender his party affiliation, he refused to bring forward votes on any of the laws currently sitting waiting to be heard, he refused to answer when questioned by the citizens, and he voted in a motion to remove him as speaker, bringing about its failure, knowing that he was not legally entitled to do so.

Plaintiff - Jebediah Crumplesnatch
Defendant - Bezzer

Factual Allegations:
It has been confirmed by the newspaper "NowAzalea" that on October 27th, a motion to dismiss the speaker was called, which resulted in a 2-2 tie, with Tomasi Latutupou MP and Stoppers Adisa MP voting in favour of removal, and Casey Lefaye MP and Speaker Bezzer Geezer voting against it. Sir Unity MP did not vote on the motion meaning that the final result was a tie and did not carry. As stated in The Parliamentary Establishment and Standards Act, The Speaker of Parliament is not entitled to take part in any vote, unless it is to break a tie. By voting to keep himself in the role, he has blatantly abused his position within parliament for his own personal benefit and acted corruptly.

When you discount his fraudulent vote, the motion to dismiss him would have passed and as such he is legally no longer the Speaker of our Parliament.

Legal Claims:
The terms of the Parliament Establishment and Standards Act (and its following Amendments) are clear with little room for misinterpretation.

Prayer for Relief:
An acknowledgement that Bezzer has been legally removed from his role Speaker and is thereby banned from retaking the role for a two month period.

I Jebediah Crumplesnatch, hereby affirm that the allegations in the complaint AND all subsequent statements made in court are true and correct to the best of the plaintiff's knowledge, information, and belief and that any falsehoods may bring the penalty of perjury.

Writ of Summons

Azalea Isles Civil Court (CV)

Case No. CV-24-0002-01

Plaintiff: Jebediah Crumplesnatch

Defendants: Bezzer

A civil complaint has been filed against you. You the defendant are hereby required to file an answer to the complaint within 48 hours. Failure to appear will result in a default judgment against you.

Please familiarize yourself with the relevant court documents, including proper formats, as well as the laws referenced in the complaint. Ensure that you comply with any court orders.


Judge Milk Crack
Seeing as Bezzer has failed to respond, I will rule in favour of the plaintiff. Bezzer is hereby removed from his role as speaker.