This is an outrage your honor, there is only one hypothetical in this bill - if it becomes law it will be illegal, that is exactly why it is bring brought before the court today. This is one hypothetical, the court has only one choice, do your damn job.
Motion that I "had left the server" is redundant give the fact I have clearly not left, as I am here.
Motion for Sanctions:
This is completely outside court procedure, we beg to court to please bring order so that we can get a fair trial.
The_Donuticus, Plaintiff
SimplyMadi, Defendant
Civil Complaint:
SimplyMadi claimed she was the Author of 'The Parliamentary Establishment & Standards Act', when in fact 'The_Donuticus' was the Author.
Plaintiff: The_Donuticus
Defendant: SimplyMadi
Factual Allegations...
Motion for Sanctions:
Crumplesnatch is trying to cause a mess in this case, we filed the case and thus we deserve not to be bombarded with messages from persons such as himself. He should act more professionally, it is a shame he cannot. We ask that the court sanction him to establish that even...
This is an improper statement and Crumplesnatch has right to speak in this trial.
Motion to Strike:
The comments by Crumplesnatch - who is the Speaker of Parliament, the Highest Ranking Member - are not part of this case and made on a whim, they only serve to demonstrate the...
We ask that ( is blocked and held in limbo until the end of this trial.
ShadowNBA, Plaintiff
RandomIntruder, Defendant
Parliament, Defendant
Civil Complaint:
A member of Parliament exercises his legal right to abstain from the Parliament, in which he is Leader of the Opposition, the Parliament in which he does not believe in, due to its fascistic...
As our questions have not been answered, and thus we have not been given the chance to expose xBlu3's lies in this court we ask that the court reconsider our original Motion to Strike his testimony.
The witness claims they were killed by my client more than 10 times, however the evidence from the chatlogs shows it only happened 6 times, this is an established fact it CANNOT have happened more than 10 times - it is clear that either their memory of events is completely wrong or...
Matthew100x Questions to xBlu3:
2. You mentioned that at some point, you transferred your balance to SimplyMadi. Do you have an estimate of how many times you were robbed before making that transfer? - Speculation: Questions that call for the witness to speculate about something.
The Defence would like to call:
Dusty_3, to attest they are NOT a victim of any crimes.
WaffleSlime, to attest they are NOT a victim of any crimes.
The_Donuticus, to attest they are NOT a victim of any crimes.
Reppal, to attest they are NOT a victim of any crimes.
Soundi83, as a witness...
Opening Statement
Your honor,
I had intended to write a much more comprehensive opening statement, however personal reasons have resulted in me not being as available as I would have liked for this case. However I do not wish to delay the court anymore and so will submit the following opening...
Motion of Recusal
It is with a heavy heart that the Defence submits this motion. We request that Justice MilkCrack recuse himself from this trial as he has acted in a bias manor in favor of the Prosecution, we are unaware if this is due to malice or a predisposition towards my client or just a...
Motion for Sanctions:
In presenting this perjury to the court, wherein the Prosecution stated "No" to the question "Can the crime-watcher system give a robbery alert if no money was taken out of someone's account?" - which is not true and a false statement. It has been verified by the MoJ that...
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