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  1. Crumplesnatch

    Queen's Parliament - ELECTION SEPTEMBER 2024

    I, Jebediah Crumplesnatch, declare that I will be seeking re-election to a seat in the Queens Parliament as an initially independent member, joining a party once I am legally able.
  2. Crumplesnatch

    National Flag Contest

    https://skinmc.net/banner/editor?=cafwfloolt_cafwfloolt Here's my submission, as our great nation is named after the Azalea flower, it felt apt to put it central in the flag design
  3. Crumplesnatch

    ShadowNBA vs RandomIntruder & Parliament

    What jury? A trial hasn't started yet, and you haven't requested a jury trial take place
  4. Crumplesnatch

    ShadowNBA vs RandomIntruder & Parliament

    A trial has not started yet, there are no motions? And as "the highest ranking member of parliament" I am a codefendant in this case and thus have a significant part in this trial.
  5. Crumplesnatch

    ShadowNBA vs RandomIntruder & Parliament

    Your honour, I ask that you disregard this case. All votes held specifically include an option for a member to abstain; by failing to vote he is not abstaining but failing is his duties as a member of parliament.
  6. Crumplesnatch

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    May I ask why this fine is 10 times greater than the fine issues to xBlu3 for equally failing to comply? Gives the appearance of vexatiousness.
  7. Crumplesnatch

    Standing Orders for Parliament

    Following the Amendments to the Parliamentary Establishment and Standards Act, as Speaker I am empowered to declare new standing orders. These new declarations, together with the initial orders voted for by the house, will be posted together here for the public to see. Standing Orders are the...
  8. Crumplesnatch

    Bill: Rescinded The Inactivity Eviction Act

    Bill withdrawn during vote by author.
  9. Crumplesnatch

    Act of Parliament The Parliamentary Establishment & Standards Act

    The following amendments have since been made: 2. Members of Parliament - Addition of Clauses (c:i) and (e) (a) While non-elected individuals may perform duties and roles within Parliament, only elected Members of Parliament may vote. (b) Members of Parliament shall adhere to the highest...
  10. Crumplesnatch

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    (Welsh_Mongoose reporting for duty! I changed my username a few weeks ago)
  11. Crumplesnatch

    Act of Parliament The Electoral Crimes and Registration Act

    Mr. Jedediah Crumplesnatch, MP: Aye Mrs. Regyna Allen, MP: Aye Mr. Shadow Nba, MP: No Vote Submitted
  12. Crumplesnatch

    Act of Parliament Amendments to the Parliamentary Establishment & Standards Act

    Author: Jebediah Crumplesnatch MP Sponsor: N/A Type: Amendment to an Act A BILL TO AMEND THE PARLIAMNTARY ESTABLISHMENT AND STANDARDS ACT Preamble: These amendments are intended to fix issues discovered during the first month of parliament, and to establish some additional standards. 2...
  13. Crumplesnatch

    Act of Parliament The Electoral Crimes and Registration Act

    Author: Jebediah Crumplesnatch MP Sponsor: N/A Type: Act of Parliament A BILL TO Establish party regulations and electoral offences Preamble: In recognition of the upcoming by-election, this act is designed to ensure all involved parties operate fairly and democratically. 1. Party...
  14. Crumplesnatch

    Act of Parliament Parliamentary Draft Legislation (Naming & Contents) Act

    Author: Jebediah Crumplesnatch MP Sponsor: Random Intruder MP Type: Act of Parliament A BILL TO Define Naming Procedures Preamble: In order to prevent any confusion in future, this bill dictates the naming procedure of all future proposed legislation, as well as restricting the content of a...