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  1. CityRP

    Property Regulation Guidance

    In order to provide a cohesive, up-to-date guidance on property regulation, the following exists. Regulations: Production on Plots Act (February 18, 2025) Misc. Changes & Foreign Affairs Omnibus Act (February 14, 2025) Plot Regulation Act (July 27, 2024) Note: The Farm Regulation Act, which...
  2. CityRP

    Parliament - ELECTION JANUARY 2025

    ELECTION This is the official thread for the election of the Queen's Parliament in Azalea Isles, occurring January 10-19, 2025. For information on the position and process of government, refer to the Constitution of Azalea Isles. The Queen's Parliament consists of 7 seats, in accordance with...
  3. CityRP

    Parliament - ELECTION NOVEMBER 2024

    ELECTION This is the official thread for the election of the Queen's Parliament in Azalea Isles, occurring November 7-18, 2024. For information on the position and process of government, refer to the Constitution of Azalea Isles. The Queen's Parliament consists of 8 seats, in accordance with...
  4. CityRP

    Constitution of Azalea Isles

    Preamble In recognizing a need for Azalea Isles to have further-self governance, the Kingdom of Regalis has now established the first Constitution of Azalea Isles to provide choice and regulation to the people. As sovereign ruler of this esteemed realm, by the grace of divine providence, her...
  5. CityRP

    Queen's Parliament - ELECTION SEPTEMBER 2024

    ELECTION This is the official thread for the election of the Queen's Parliament in Azalea Isles, occurring September 5-15, 2024. For information on the position and process of government, refer to the Mandate for the Isles and the press releases by Queen Eleanora of Regalis. The Queen's...
  6. CityRP

    Staff Applications

    Staff Applications This is the official information thread for Staff Applications at CityRP. We’re excited that you’re interested in joining our dedicated team of staff members. CityRP is a vibrant and dynamic community where players can immerse themselves in economy, politics, quests, and...
  7. CityRP

    Queen's Parliament - BY-ELECTION JUNE 2024

    FORUMS TRANSFER - DECLARATIONS Declared Candidates: Luke201556 (Luke Thegreat) declared June 22, 2024 under Imperial Front. Animelife190 (Max Brewman) declared June 22, 2024 under Action!. huney69 (Huney Sixtynine) declared June 22, 2024 under Monarchist Party. byeSprite (Amon Gus) declared...
  8. CityRP


    Author: <NAME> MP Sponsor: <NAME OF SPONSOR, OR N/A> Type: <Constitutional Amendment/Act of Parliament/Amendment to an Act> A BILL TO <PURPOSE OF THE BILL> Preamble: <REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR THE BILL AND EXPLAINING WHAT IT DOES> 1. Section (a) Subsection (i) sub-subsection 2...
  9. CityRP

    Queen's Parliament - BY-ELECTION JUNE 2024

    BY-ELECTION This is the official thread for the by-election of vacant seats in Queen's Parliament of Azalea Isles, occurring June 22-29, 2024. For information on the position and process of government, refer to the Mandate for the Isles and the press releases by Queen Eleanora of Regalis. The...
  10. CityRP

    Queen's Parliament - ELECTION JUNE 2024

    FORUMS TRANSFER - DECLARATIONS Declared Candidates: Krix (Bob Shapiro) declared June 1, 2024. SimplyMadi (Regyna Allen) declared June 1, 2024. Luke201556 (Luke thegreat) declared June 2, 2024. Galavance (Gala Hamilton) declared June 2, 2024, and withdrew June 4. perccy (Percy Kennedy) declared...
  11. CityRP

    Queen's Parliament - ELECTION JUNE 2024

    ELECTION This is the official thread for the election of the Queen's Parliament in Azalea Isles, occurring June 1-8, 2024. For information on the position and process of government, refer to the Mandate for the Isles and the press releases by Queen Eleanora of Regalis. The Queen's Parliament...
  12. CityRP

    Criminal Code

    In order to further the Kingdom’s interest in protecting the general public, this code has been compiled to promote public safety. Henceforth, the following actions are illegal and shall come with the prescribed punishment. PvP or Violent Offences 1.1 Murder It shall be illegal to kill...