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Bill: Failed The Sales Act


Parliament Member
Parliament Speaker
Dec 22, 2024
A Bill to Regulate the Sale of Lawful Items

This bill seeks to incorporate plugin functions into law by regulating what companies are allowed to sell based on job roles. It also establishes workarounds for cases where a deal is made with the government to allow an exception.
Items not covered by this bill will remain unchanged

1. Short Title and Enactment

(1) This bill shall be referred to as the "Sales Act".
(2) This bill was authored by ChAkselsen1450 MP.
(3) This bill shall be enacted immediately upon passage and subsequent assent by Her Majesty the Queen.

2. Reasons
(1) To codify provisions set forth by plugins into law.
(2) To ensure quality control by requiring companies to specialize in product categories.
(3) To create more opportunities for new businesses and citizens to access the market.

3. Job-Specific Regulations
3.1. Miners

(1) A Miner shall be legally recognized as anyone who holds a Miner degree.
(2) Miners shall be the only ones allowed to sell the following items:

  • Netherite, Ancient Debris, Diamonds, Gold, Emeralds, Lapis, Shulker Shells, End Rods, Warped Wood, Shroom Lights, End Stone, Netherrack.
(3) Miners are excempt from the section stating only fishers can sell vanilla fish

3.2. Farmers
(1) A Farmer shall be legally recognized as anyone who holds a Farmer degree.
(2) Farmers shall be the only ones allowed to sell the following items:

  • Custom crops, Vanilla crops , Animal products
(3) Farmers shall be the only ones allowed to grow and harvest custom crops.

3.3. Chefs
(1) A Chef shall be legally recognized as anyone who holds a Chef degree.
(2) Chefs shall be the only ones allowed to sell the following items:

  • Custom non-vanilla foods (dishes) and chef-related production items (e.g., knives)

(3) Chefs shall be the only ones allowed to produce these items.

3.4. Gunsmiths
(1) A Gunsmith shall be legally recognized as anyone who holds a Gunsmith degree.
(2) Gunsmiths shall be the only ones allowed to sell the following items:

  • Ammunition and guns.
(3) Gunsmiths shall be the only ones allowed to repair and modify guns

3.5. Mechanics

(1) A Mechanic shall be legally recognized as anyone who holds a Mechanic degree.
(2) Mechanics shall be the only ones allowed to sell the following items:

  • Motorized vehicles, bikes, planes, and boats.
(3) The sale and purchase of battle vehicles (e.g., tanks) are prohibited in regulated zones without permission from the Ministry of Commerce (MoC).

(4) The sale of government vehicles (e.g., police cars) to private citizens or companies is now illegal.

(4.1) The Ministry of Economic Affairs is the only entity permitted to purchase government vehicles from citizens or companies, acting on behalf of other government entities.

(4.2) The Ministry of Justice shall maintain a public list of items classified as government vehicles on their Discord server.

3.6. Fishermen
(1) A Fisherman shall be legally recognized as anyone who holds a Fisherman degree.
(2) Fishermen shall be the only ones allowed to sell the following items:

  • Custom fish and vanilla fish.

3.7. Industrialists
(1) An Industrialist shall be legally recognized as anyone who holds an Industrialist degree.
(2) Industrialists shall be the only ones allowed to sell the following items/services:

  • Uranium, Oil, and Fuel.
  • Electricity.
(3) Industrialists are excempt to the regulation stating only farmers can sell animal products and vanilla crops.
(4) Industrialists are excempt to the regulation on gold

11. Violations and Enforcement
(1) Violation of this bill shall result in a a warning by the Ministry of Commerce.
(2) If an item is not removed within 7 days the MoJ is tasked with removing the item through a warrent given by a judge.
(3) If an item previously removed by the MoJ is put up for sale again the citicen or company in violation will be fined a 1 000$ by the MoJ per item in question. and the Item is removed again through a warrent given by the judge.

12. Government Regulations
(1) Ministries purchasing items from citizens or companies must verify that the seller holds the necessary degree or permission to sell the item.
(2) If a Ministry fails to comply with this regulation, a public report must be issued, and a fine of $500 shall be deducted from the Ministry’s budget.
(3) The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MEA) is excempt from regulations around sale of items set forth by this bill.

13. Company Regulations
(1) The items a company is allowed to sell are determined by the job qualifications of its owner.
(2) If a company has multiple owners, any owner must hold at least 25% of the company’s shares for it to benefit from their job qualifications.

14. Exemptions
(1) An exemption may be granted in the form of a Writ of Permission, allowing a citizen or company to sell items outside their job category.

(2) The writ of permission shall apply for all items under a job category set forth by this bill e.g Miner Writ of permission shall apply to restricted items under paragraph 3.1.2

(2) The Writ of Permission shall be issued by the Ministry of Commerce on behalf of the government.

(3) The price of a Writ of Permission shall be set by the Ministry of Commerce, with an initial cost of $2,500 upon passage of this bill.

15 Grace period
(1) Any new player will have 7 days they are excempt from this law.
(2) Upon this bill receiving assent from her Majesty the queen there will be a 10 days period before the punishments outlined in this bill takes affect. Giving time to purchase Writ of permissions or adjusting the shop
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