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Act of Parliament The Criminal Expungement Redo Act

Do the members of this house wish to make this act Law?

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Jun 29, 2024
Author: MP Regyna Allen & Former MP Elaina Thomas
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament

Give those who have been crime-free for 30 days a chance to clear their record and start anew, free from crime.
1 Purpose
(a) Give former criminals the opportunity to have their criminal records expunged after 30 days of no criminal activity.

2 Definitions
(a) Criminal Expungement: a process where a former criminal, who has been crime-free for 30 days, can work with a Public Defender from the Ministry of Justice or a private lawyer to erase their criminal record.

3 Expungement Process
(a) A citizen crime-free for 30 days may contact the Ministry of Justice or its Public Defender(s) to request expungement of their criminal record.
(b) The Public Defender or private lawyer will review the citizen's criminal record to ensure they have been crime-free for the last 30 days.
(c) The citizen must pay $100 per crime they want expunged from their record. If using a Public Defender, an additional fee of up to $300 applies.
(d) If a citizen requests expungement without being crime-free for the last 30 days, they will be fined $100. This fine goes to the Public Defenders if they were involved; otherwise, it goes to the government.
(e) If a Public Defender from the Ministry of Justice is unavailable or the citizen prefers, they may hire a private lawyer instead.
(f) Citizens who cannot pay the $300 Public Defender fee or afford a private lawyer can apply for a financial assessment through the Ministry of Justice. Based on the assessment, they may receive fee reductions or waivers, which must be used for a Ministry of Justice Public Defender.

Enactment: This act will take immediate effect upon receiving crown approval.
"By the authority invested the in Kingdom of Regalis, and in the loyal people of Azalea Isles, I hereby declare the Criminal Expungement Redo Act to be law in the Isles, with the full force of enactment."
- Queen Eleanora of the Kingdom of Regalis
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