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Bill: Failed The Bill Board and Public Advertisement Regulatory Bill

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Parliament Speaker
Jul 1, 2024
Author: Luke TheGreat
Sponsor: Luke TheGreat
Type: Act of Parliament


Preamble: A law for allowing and regulating the creation of public advertising.

1) Purpose
  • To increase government income in order to fund public projects and funding for grants.
  • Furthermore, to allow companies large and small the opportunity to advertise in multiple of ways from buildings, as well as give developers and first-time land owners more opportunity to increase revenues and pay back the costs of purchasing a plot alleviating the financial cost.
  • To regulate advertisements across the city.
  • To allow billboards and types of advertisements (such as Barbour shop or Blacksmith signs to be added to the sides of buildings).
2) Reference
  • This legislation shall be known and referred to as the “The bill board and public advertisement law”.
3) Content

A)Definitions of Billboards and Signs and their size.

i)A sign may be considered a advertisement that is 1 wide by 3 block high in size or that which is 3 blocks wide and 1 block tall.

ii)A Billboard may be considered any advertisement that is larger that the size and/or shapes specified in (3.a.i).

Clarification on the term advertisement: Advertising shall be defined very broadly to encompass any form of representation that is made in connection with a business, political party or politician in order to promote the supply or transfer of a product or influence the thoughts of members of public.

B) Billboard and Sign creation on or over public land.
i)Signs (defined in 3.a.i) may be requested to be built over pavements or sidewalks from the side of a building. These signs do not require planning permission but a payment and design must be submitted per sign in advance before the Department of Urban Development constructs it.

Payment amount: $250
ii)Billboard(defined in 3.a.ii) built along a wall may be requested to be built on the side of a building the billboards may not overlap the pavement by more than 1 block across the pavement, sidewalk or road. An application must be submitted to the planning committee at the Department of Urban Development for which they may approve the construction, may request changes to the size or shape of the application in order to keep it in check with it surroundings or deny the application.

Payment amount: $850
iii)Billboard(defined in 3.a.ii) built across the pavement maximum of 3 blocks over the pavement, sidewalk or road. An application must be submitted to the planning committee at the Department of Urban Development for which they may approve the construction, may request changes to the size or shape of the application in order to keep it in check with it surroundings or deny the application.

Payment amount: $500 per block over public land

C) Additional Limitations
i)Sign Limitations
  • A sign must be used to advertise a company that is located within the building it is attached to.
ii)Content limitations
  • Billboards are not allowed to advertise/contain explicit content or content that may be considered advertising violation of the laws of Azalea.
iii)Planning Permission Rights.
  • A person may repeal a denial of a planning application a maximum of 3 times(per billboard). A person may request a new planning committee board if they may reasonably prove that the board is biased against them.
    Reasonable causes for requesting a new board or replacement of a board member:

    -An owner of a neighbouring plot.
    -A lawyer or judge presiding over a court case where the applicant is involved.
Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately upon passage
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