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Tavares, a Theocratic Republic under the leadership of High Priestess Seraphine Lumina, thrives on the interplay of spirituality and governance. With a robust economy built on cultural exports, pharmaceuticals, and pilgrimage tourism, its military is devoted to defense in alignment with deeply held moral convictions that guide them in their relations with others.

Capital: Tavares City
Demonym: Tavarese
Government: Theocracy
Head of State: Seraphine Lumina



Tavares primarily exports both holistic and allopathic pharmaceuticals to all. They also export religious texts and various paraphernalia as Marcinism is a major religion that exists in many parts of the world. Tavares's main import is technology that is used to more effectively craft cures. They also occasionally import food and drink as well as defense weaponry and tech ahead of religious holidays that bring about many foreigners.

Tavares's early history intertwines closely with The Book of Marcin, the religious scripture that forms the cornerstone of its cultural identity. While not verified by historians, its significance in shaping the ethos of Tavaren society cannot be understated. According to ancient lore, in the primordial mists of creation, Tavares emerged as the chosen sanctuary of Anjel Marcin, the Eternal Guide, and an integral part of a greater, enigmatic Creator. Blessed with bountiful earth and celestial favor, it became a realm where mortal and divine seamlessly coexisted. Anjel Marcin bestowed upon her people The Book of Marcin, a beacon of wisdom illuminating the path of righteousness. United in faith, Tavarens flourished, safeguarding their sacred land as custodians of peace and enlightenment across generations.

Yet, this utopian vision faced challenges as Tavares traversed epochs of growth and transformation. In its formative years, external threats tested the resilience of its people and the depth of their devotion to Anjel Marcin's teachings. Nevertheless, under her guidance, they endured, emerging stronger in their faith. With the passage of centuries, Tavares evolved into a bastion of spiritual enlightenment, drawing pilgrims from distant lands in search of solace and divine connection. However, this influx of visitors also brought forth dissenting voices, driven by ignorance and malice, who sought to disrupt the sanctity of Tavaren rituals and gatherings.

Despite efforts to foster understanding and dialogue, these hostile acts escalated over time, culminating in the unthinkable desecration of Tavares's most revered temple. This sacrilegious act shattered the nation's sense of security, prompting a shift from diplomacy to vigilance. Tavares, once open and welcoming, now fortified its borders, prioritizing the protection of its sacred sites and the preservation of its divine heritage. The memory of past transgressions lingers, shaping attitudes towards outsiders, even as Tavares remains a beacon of spiritual pilgrimage in the modern world. While non-Tavaren Marcinites are still permitted to undertake their sacred journey, the scars of past betrayals serve as a cautionary tale, reminding all of the fragility of faith in the face of adversity.
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