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Bill: Passed Standing Orders for the FOURTH Parliament

How do you vote for these standing orders?

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Parliament Member
Parliament Speaker
Jun 28, 2024

Standing Orders for the FOURTH Parliament​

1) Quorum
a) 50% of all Parliamentary seats should be filled for Parliament to function.
i) Any suspended members are counted as a filled seat, even though they are barred from taking part in a vote.
ii) Any empty seats due to resignations or criminal expulsions will not be counted toward the total number of seats, unless a byelection has been officially announced.
b) Members wishing to take a leave of absence can make an official request to the speaker
i) A specific period must be agreed with the speaker, breaching this timeline will result on an official recording of "absent".
ii) And appoint a proxy voter. Votes will be counted alongside the proxy voter’s own vote.

2) Enforcement of Parliamentary Rules
a) Failure to abide by Parliamentary rules can result in Suspension from the House at the speaker’s discretion.
i) Suspensions must be no longer than 24 hours per infraction.
ii) Suspensions must be announced within 24 hours of an infraction.
iii) Members will have their vote discounted if they are suspended at any point during the period that a vote is open.
iv) Suspended Members may not participate votes which overlap their suspension by any amount of time.
v) Suspended Members may not take part in debates during their suspension period.
b) If MPs believe the Speaker has behaved in a non-impartial manner through any suspension, the House can hold a vote of no-confidence in the Speaker
i) This vote can be called either by any member who can produce two other members to support calling it.
ii) Suspended Members are allowed to participate in votes of no-confidence against the Speaker.

3) Voting Procedures
1) The Standing order shall cast no restriction on how the speaker votes.

4) Motions and Resolutions
a) Any Member may propose a motion or resolution by submitting it in writing to the Speaker.
b) Non-binding Parliamentary Memoranda may be passed by a simple majority to express the will of the Parliament on specific issues, after which they will be published by the Speaker.