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Act of Parliament Standing Orders for the 1st Queens Parliament

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Jun 29, 2024
Author: Regyna Allen MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament


Establish the procedures and requirements for the functioning of the Parliament of the Azalea Isles

Preamble: This bill is being introduced to establish clear and effective procedures for the operation of the Parliament of the Azalea Isles. It aims to ensure that parliamentary activities are conducted in an organized, transparent, and efficient manner, facilitating effective governance and legislative processes.

1. Quorum
(a) 50% of all Parliamentary seats should be filled for Parliament to function.

2. Voting Procedures
(a) Votes shall be conducted by an electronic tally with the options: Aye, Nay, or Abs
(b) In the event of a tie, continuity prevails.

3. Enforcement of these Rules
(a) Bills may be introduced by any Member of Parliament and must be submitted in writing to the Speaker, via the forums.
(b) Once submitted a bill must be available for 3 days of reading time before being brought to the floor for vote - during this time amendments may be made by the author.
(c) Any Member of Parliament may submit a ‘Motion of Expediency’ to bring a bill to the floor for vote immediately, this requires a simple majority to pass.

4. Motions and Resolutions
(a) Any Member may propose a motion or resolution by submitting it in writing to the Speaker.
(b) Non-binding Parliamentary Memoranda may be passed by a simple majority to express the will of the Parliament on specific issues, after which they will be published by the Speaker.

Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately upon passage
Parliament has voted as follows, resulting in the passage of this bill:
  • Mr. Donut Donuticus, MP: Aye
  • Mr. Jedediah Crumplesnatch, MP: Aye
  • Ms. Elaina Thomas, MP: Aye
  • Mrs. Regyna Allen, MP: Aye
  • Mr. Shadow Nba, MP: Aye
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