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Speidon is the world's leading nation when it comes to technology and research. Led by Chief Innovator Bbernard Twiggan, Speidon boasts consistent innovations that continue to alter life as it is known.

Capital: Speidon City
Demonym: Speidonian
Government: Autocratic
Head of State: Bbernard Twiggan



Speidon primarily exports technology, whether it's mass-produced or commissioned work for a foreign individual or organization.

Speidon is one of the younger nations of the world, born out of the desire for innovation.

Speidon's story begins with Cartre Collier, a young man who adored his orange, fat, greedy, and clumsy cat named Speidon, after a character from a book Cartre had read. Cartre, born in Regalis during the nation's transition to a Hereditary Monarchy, grew frustrated with the lack of change in his homeland due to its hubris.

Seeking a new life away from stagnation, Cartre became a miner in a remote community. However, his long working hours left Speidon hungry until his return. Initially, Cartre kept the food bowl full, but Speidon overate, becoming sickly. Cartre refused to return to scheduled feedings, fearing to upset his beloved cat.

Inspiration struck Cartre while watching a conveyor belt at work. He conceived the idea of an automatic cat feeder—a storage container delivering food via a chute into a bowl. After numerous trials, Cartre linked the feeder to a clock, allowing food to drop at specific times. Thus, he ensured Speidon's regular meals, even in his absence.

Cartre continued to improve this design outside of his work and finally produced a perfected design that he could easily manufacture. Sharing the design with others in the small mining town, he quickly became the talk of the town. Gaining money from his invention, he decided to take his work outside of the small mining town. He traveled all around Regalis with Speidon at his side, selling his product, and he made quite the fortune. Eventually, word of Cartre's work reached the ears of the Queen who invited Cartre to a meeting with her.

During the meeting, the Queen praised Cartre's innovation, surprising him. Despite facing criticism during his travels, Cartre's potential was recognized, leading to a crucial mission: journeying to a distant colony facing multifaceted challenges. With his innovative mindset and problem-solving skills, Cartre embarked on the journey to make a meaningful impact.

Within the colony, Cartre's visionary approach quickly gained him widespread admiration. Through transformative initiatives, he propelled the colony forward, addressing issues ranging from resource management to social cohesion. Recognizing his remarkable leadership, Cartre was inadvertently promoted to colony leader.

The Queen, impressed by the colony's progress, praised Cartre during her regular visits. The colony, once lagging behind, now rivaled Regalis itself. Talks of independence emerged, fueled by aspirations for true innovation unhindered by Regalis rule. Cartre addressed these concerns with the Queen, who agreed to allow the colony's independence without conflict under certain conditions.

This marked the birth of a new nation, led by Cartre Collier, whose journey from miner to national leader spanned nine remarkable years. Cartre's beloved cat, aging alongside him, played a significant role in this journey. Thus, when naming the new nation, Cartre chose "Speidon" in honor of his faithful companion.

Speidon swiftly flourished, expanding its territory and attracting settlers drawn to its achievements. Cartre, eschewing the title of President, was hailed as the "Chief Innovator" for his transformative contributions to the once-colony-now-country.

Following the passing of Cartre and his cherished companion Speidon, the tradition of appointing Chief Innovators endured, celebrating those who epitomized outstanding leadership and ingenuity. Over time, the nation surged ahead, emerging as a global technology leader and a formidable force, fortified by both its assets and strategic alliances.
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