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Regalis is a large, long-standing nation led by Queen Eleanora the Peacemaker. This country boasts some of the earliest signs of human life documented in the world, and its civilization also has one of the longest continuous histories. In the present, Regalis is a constitutional monarchy with a focus on tradition and culture.

Capital: Regalis City
Demonym: Regalian
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Head of State: Eleanora


map of regalis

Regalis primarily exports a variety of meticulously crafted items ranging from breathtaking jewelry to unforgiving weaponry. The majority of their exports are items that often require great attention to detail which makes them such valuable products. None can compare to the patience and steadiness of hand achieved by the country's craftsmen.

In regards to imports, the nation primarily purchases gasoline and animal meat and pelts. With taking such pride in their past, the nation has long since limited activities that harm its forests and their inhabitants. Therefore, they rely on other countries to supply these goods.

The origins of Regalis' true existence remain shrouded in mystery, with no definitive record pinpointing a specific people or time period. However, archaeological evidence suggests that signs of civilization in the land now occupied by the nation date back to humanity's earliest emergence within the world.

The time before Regalis' founding marks a pivotal moment in human history, tracing back to one of the earliest demonstrations of communal cohesion. In a landscape fraught with challenges, a group of disparate individuals banded together, pooling their resources and skills to build multiple shelters and ensure their collective survival. Through mutual cooperation and resilience, they forged bonds that laid the foundation for what would eventually become the nation of Regalis.

However, as populations grew and resources became more scarce, tensions inevitably arose, leading to conflicts that fractured the once-unified community. This tumultuous period gave rise to the establishment of five distinct towns within the region, each governed by its own leaders and driven by its own aspirations. Despite the initial discord, these towns would later converge to form the nucleus of Regalis nearly a century later, a testament to the enduring spirit of unity and resilience that defines the nation's character.

The official establishment of Regalis as a nation occurred in 1245 with the drafting and signing of the Havenholt Constitution. This pivotal document was a culmination of efforts by leaders from five nearby towns, who now sought to forge a larger, more cohesive civilization. Originally known as Havenholt, the nation was later renamed Regalis in 1683. The five founding leaders—Heinrich Pequet of Millwood, Joseph Seid of Tal Verrar, Dwight Locke of Camorr, Faite Viator of Balinel, and William Carr of Toledo—played instrumental roles in shaping Regalis' early history. Notably, the towns' names are attributed to their founding members rather than any established linguistic origins, according to philologists.

During the Havenholt era, the nation achieved remarkable strides in agricultural innovation, revolutionizing crop production to meet the needs of its burgeoning population. The resulting surplus of food not only sustained Havenholt's own people but also beckoned outsiders to its fertile lands. Among these newcomers were the inexplicable Forest People (also referenced to as "Waldvolk," so named for their mysterious origins and unfamiliar language, communicating only through primal sounds). The arrival of the Forest People sparked the genesis of one of the earliest religions, centered around the belief that the forest bestowed upon humanity its "First Birth." This ideology gave rise to the sacred tradition of burial, symbolizing the return of individuals to the earth in the hopes of a spiritual rebirth, akin to the sprouting of a seed in fertile soil.

In addition to the Forest People, other newcomers arrived with their own languages and distinct customs, opening Havenholt's eyes to the vastness of the world beyond its borders. These encounters led to the discovery of distant continents and cultures, igniting a thirst for exploration and expansion. With newfound knowledge and ambition, Havenholt embarked on the monumental task of constructing seaworthy vessels, a feat fraught with challenges and dangers. Through perseverance and ingenuity, the nation triumphed over adversity, and its intrepid explorers set sail upon the open waters. Thus began Havenholt's imperialistic era, characterized by a quest for dominance and discovery as its ships ventured forth into uncharted territories, laying the groundwork for Regalis' emergence as a formidable maritime power.

In the decade following the inception of shipbuilding, maritime technology underwent rapid evolution, propelling Havenholt into an era of unprecedented expansion. Voyages across vast oceans led to the establishment of thriving colonies on nearby continents and islands, among them being a territory that would later be known as COUNTRYNAME.

As explorers charted uninhabited lands, they embarked on the monumental task of mapping the ever-expanding world. These early cartographers painstakingly documented geographical features, trade routes, and newfound territories, laying the groundwork for future navigators and adventurers.

Yet, despite these monumental achievements, the leaders of Havenholt remained keenly aware of the vastness of the world beyond their shores and of those which they had colonized. With each discovery came the realization that their reach had not extended far enough to fully exploit the wealth of resources that lay beyond. Driven by a desire for greater prosperity and influence, Havenholt's leaders resolved to push the boundaries of exploration even further, setting their sights on the uncharted territories and untapped riches beyond the horizon. This led to the initiation of the Expansion Expedition.

The Expansion Expedition stood as a monumental endeavor, conceived in the ambitious halls of Havenholt's strategists and visionaries. Initially comprised of 10 sturdy vessels, each manned by approximately 12 souls, the expedition was destined to etch new frontiers into the tapestry of the known world. Yet, clandestine affairs swirled within the ranks, with some crew members ferrying their families aboard, skewing the expedition's true count and weaving familial bonds amidst the maritime venture.

With a grand design, reminiscent of a celestial compass, the expedition's fleet charted its course in four cardinal directions, dispersing from the harbor of Havenholt with a shared mission to unveil the secrets of the shores that lay beyond. Three ships ventured North, three South, while two each embarked West and East, their prows slicing through uncharted waters in pursuit of discovery.

Their charge was not merely one of ephemeral exploration; it was a sacred duty to document, to map, to comprehend the contours of newfound lands. Armed with quills, compasses, and unyielding resolve, the expeditionaries wove their narratives upon the blank canvas of the unknown, meticulously chronicling their encounters, cataloging flora, fauna, and indigenous cultures, and erecting rudimentary settlements upon foreign shores.

The return of the expedition was a tale of both triumph and tragedy, for while six ships steered back to Havenholt's embrace, four others met a somber fate, their hulls dashed against unforgiving reefs, swallowed by the relentless maw of the sea. Among the lost, only the crew of Aurora's Grace was found with the ship's members still alive many years after the expedition concluded. Yet, from the crucible of adversity, Havenholt emerged reborn, embracing the bounty brought forth by the intrepid voyagers. The spoils of discovery enriched the nation's coffers with exotic fruits, verdant crops, and untold resources, propelling Havenholt into the embrace of industrialism and expansion. New colonies flourished upon the terra firma discovered, extending Havenholt's reach across the vast expanse.

However, beneath the veneer of progress lurked shadows of discord, for the expedition unveiled not only uncharted lands but also the existence of rival civilizations. Havens of humanity, disparate yet organized, dotted the map, casting an ominous pall over Havenholt's burgeoning empire. The emergence of Drakova, borne from the diaspora of Havenholt's exiles, heralded a new era of confrontation.

In the crucible of conflict, Drakova rose as a formidable adversary, leveraging Havenholt's own advancements against them. The exiled forged their own destiny, assimilating Havenholt's innovations to fuel their expansionist ambitions. Ambushes and subterfuge punctuated the uneasy peace, as Havenholt's colonies fell prey to Drakovic aggression, severing vital arteries of resources and commerce from the country and enabling Drakova to continue their tyranny.

The Havenholt-Drakova Conflict hovered on the precipice of war, a precarious balance maintained by tenuous diplomacy and sporadic skirmishes. Yet, the harbinger of calamity manifested in the form of a single gunshot, echoing across the hallowed halls of Havenholt's governance.

The assassination of President William Maud, perpetrated by a lone gunman of Drakovic descent, ignited the dormant embers of enmity into a raging inferno. With the blood of their leader staining the annals of history, Havenholt stood at the brink of irrevocable change, as the echoes of the past reverberated into an uncertain future.

In the wake of President Maud's assassination and the escalating tensions with Drakova, Havenholt found itself at a crossroads of existential significance. The reverberations of the tragic event echoed through the corridors of power, catalyzing a profound reevaluation of the nation's identity, policies, and governance.

Foremost among the shifts was a radical departure in foreign policy, as Havenholt retreated into a fortress of solitude, shrouded by the cloak of extreme isolationism. This retreat extended not only to the mainland but also seeped into the sinews of its colonial outposts, casting a pall of suspicion and apprehension over once-thriving settlements. The decision to fortify borders and bolster military might was not merely a reactionary response but a strategic necessity, born of the imperatives of self-preservation and deterrence against potential adversaries.

As the specter of conflict loomed ominously, the halls of governance echoed with the murmurs of change. The traditional paradigm of executive authority underwent a seismic shift as Havenholt embarked on a journey towards constitutional monarchy. The vestiges of absolute rule yielded to the primacy of constitutional principles, heralding a new era of governance characterized by checks and balances, parliamentary oversight, and the rule of law.

However, amidst the tumultuous currents of transformation, one change stood as a beacon of identity reshaped: the renaming of Havenholt to Regalis. This symbolic gesture encapsulated the nation's metamorphosis, shedding the vestiges of its past and embracing a future forged in the crucible of adversity. The appellation 'Regalis' evoked notions of sovereignty, nobility, and resilience, reflecting the country's aspirations to reclaim its rightful place among the pantheon of nations.

Central to this epochal transition was the seminal document known as "The Havenholt Peace." Crafted with meticulous precision and imbued with the collective wisdom of statesmen and scholars, this manifesto served as both a blueprint for reform and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Within its pages lay the contours of a new social contract, forged in the crucible of conflict, and consecrated by the blood of martyrs.

The Havenholt Peace was not merely a compendium of legislative edicts but a living testament to the values of unity, tolerance, and solidarity. Its precepts resonated across the breadth of society, binding citizens in a covenant of mutual obligation and shared destiny. Through its provisions, the nation charted a course towards reconciliation, reconstruction, and renewal, ushering in an era of unprecedented social cohesion and national unity.

Following the epochal treaty known as The Havenholt Peace, the phoenix of Regalis rose from the ashes of conflict, heralding the dawn of a new era under the reign of Queen Johanna Levinson. As the mantle of leadership passed from the old guard to the new, the selection of Queen Levinson carried with it the weight of history and lineage, tracing its roots back to the venerable Joseph Seid, one of the esteemed signatories of the Havenholt Constitution. This genealogical legacy bestowed upon Queen Levinson a legitimacy steeped in tradition and imbued her ascension with a sense of continuity and stability.

Moreover, Queen Levinson's ascent to the throne was not merely a consequence of her esteemed lineage but a testament to her own prowess and leadership acumen. Prior to her coronation, she had distinguished herself as a formidable leader, spearheading the colonization efforts on the island known as Azalea Isles. Her proven track record of governance and her unwavering commitment to the welfare of her people endeared her to both the nobility and the common folk, ensuring her seamless transition to the pinnacle of power.

With the scepter firmly grasped in her hand, Queen Johanna Levinson ushered in an era of unprecedented stability and prosperity for Regalis. The crown, symbolizing the sovereignty and authority of the monarchy, followed a matrilineal descent, passing from queen to the first-born daughter in a tradition steeped in symbolism and continuity.

Yet, amidst the trappings of regal authority, Regalis underwent another profound metamorphosis, shedding the cocoon of isolationism to emerge as a beacon of peace and enlightenment in a world rent asunder by strife and discord. No longer content to remain ensconced within the confines of its borders, Regalis extended its hand in friendship and cooperation, serving as a benevolent arbiter of diplomacy and a paragon of tolerance and understanding.

In the tapestry of international relations, Regalis stood as a bastion of harmony, fostering healthy relationships with nations far and wide, save for the perennial thorn in its side, Drakova. Despite its efforts at reconciliation, the specter of old animosities and grievances continued to cast a shadow over the diplomatic landscape, impeding the realization of a lasting peace between the two erstwhile adversaries.

Yet, even amidst the tumult of geopolitical tensions, Regalis remained steadfast in its commitment to the principles of justice, equality, and fraternity, ensuring that its hallowed shores remained a sanctuary for all who sought solace and safety. As the winds of change continued to buffet the world, Regalis stood as an indomitable beacon of hope, a legacy it intends to hold onto for as long as it stands.

Queen Eleanora the Peacekeeper, the current monarch of Regalis, assumed the throne at the tender age of sixteen, following the untimely passing of her mother, the former Queen of Regalis. Despite her youth, she swiftly earned her title through adept diplomacy, reflecting the country's longstanding commitment to peace. Queen Eleanora's diplomatic efforts have strengthened Regalis's ties with other nations, embodying the realm's enduring aspirations for harmony and cooperation. Her reign stands as a testament to Regalis's dedication to peace and stability.