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Queen's Parliament - Royal Decree 5/30

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Kingdom of Regalis

New member
Jun 25, 2024
In a significant step towards ensuring our laws remain up to date, the Kingdom of Regalis has announced the establishment of a dedicated legislature in its colony, Azalea Isles. The newly formed legislature will serve indefinite terms at the pleasure of her Majesty, and be elected by the people of Azalea Isles. Some important components to note:
  • Her Majesty’s Parliament cannot form their own government, as the Crown shall retain management of the colonial government. As such, the appointment and dismissal of Ministers shall be retained solely by the Crown.
  • The Parliament shall be granted the ability to propose and amend laws, provided that the Queen approves such change.
  • The Parliament shall be granted the ability to oversee the government in conjunction with the Crown, and shall have the ability to remove a Minister via a simple majority if they see fit.
In accordance with the Mandate for the Isles, those elected to the Queen’s Parliament will have shared authority as the Privy Council with the Crown. An election shall be held for a 6-seat chamber, starting on June 1st where candidates may declare. Polls will then open on June 7, and conclude on June 8. Following these elections, her Majesty’s Parliament shall be obligated:
  1. To elect a Chair, or Speaker, to facilitate their operations.
  2. To arrange a system and procedure for which they will operate.
  3. To address any legal mishaps that may require amendments.
  4. To ensure Ministers are meeting the expectations of the Azaleans.
The Crown has graciously offered a $20 salary to each Member of Parliament, and a total legislative budget of $5000/term, to support them in their efforts. Every person of Azalea Isles who has allegiance to the Kingdom of Regalis shall be allowed to run for Parliament, regardless of time spent in the colony or any other legal qualification. This shall be binding unless further direction is given through the Crown.
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