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Queen's Parliament - BY-ELECTION JUNE 2024

Select up to three candidates that you wish to vote for.

  • Mr. Thegreat (Luke201556) [IMF]

  • Mr. Brewman (Animelife190)

  • Mr. Sixtynine (huney69) [MCP]

  • Mr. Gus (byeSprite) [MCP]

  • Mr. Downey (_TJUN_)

  • Ms. Intruder (RandomIntruder) [MCP]

  • Mr. Money (Stoppers)

  • Mr. Lyon (xXLordLyonXx)

  • Mr. Roberts (MegaMinerM)

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.


Jun 26, 2024


This is the official thread for the by-election of vacant seats in Queen's Parliament of Azalea Isles, occurring June 22-29, 2024. For information on the position and process of government, refer to the Mandate for the Isles and the press releases by Queen Eleanora of Regalis.

The Queen's Parliament consists of 6 seats, however this election is only for 2 seats as an addition to the currently occupied 4.

There are no requirements for candidacy at this time. Any persons loyal to Azalea Isles may declare to run in the election. If you are running on behalf of a party, please ensure you have the permission of the party to run under their banner.

You may declare by replying to this thread using the following format:

"I, <username or character name>, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in the Queen's Parliament as <an independent or party name>."

e.g. "I, Raymond West, declare that I will be seeking election to a seat in the Queen's Parliament as a member of the Loyalist Party."

Declarations close on the 28th day of this month. After that, voting will be open from June 30 to July 2, 2024.
Declared Candidates:
  • Luke201556 (Luke Thegreat) declared June 22, 2024 under Imperial Front.
  • Animelife190 (Max Brewman) declared June 22, 2024 under Action!.
  • huney69 (Huney Sixtynine) declared June 22, 2024 under Monarchist Party.
  • byeSprite (Amon Gus) declared June 22, 2024 under Monarchist Party.
  • _TJUN_ (Tjun Downey) declared June 23, 2024 on his own standing.
  • RandomIntruder (Random Intruder) declared June 23, 2024 under Monarchist Party.
  • Stoppers (Stoppers Money) declared June 23, 2024 on his own standing.
  • xXLordLyonXx (Lysander Lyon) declared June 27, 2024 on his own standing.
  • MegaMinerM (John Roberts) declared June 27, 2024 on his own standing.

Three seats were up for the by-election, resulting in each voter having a maximum of three votes to cast. It should be noted that each voter did not cast all five voters, some opted to only vote for a few candidates.

Turnout: 22 total voters
Election Format: Block voting, top three most voted candidates (for by-election, number of vacant seats)

*Winners denoted

Monarchist Party [MCP]
ByeSprite (Amon Gus) - 16 votes*
RandomIntruder (Random Intruder) - 13 votes*
Huney69 (Huney Sixtynine) - 12 votes*

Imperial Front [IMF]
Luke201556 (Luke thegreat) - 4 votes

John Roberts (MegaMinerM) - 7 votes
Lysander Lyon (xXLordLyonXx) - 6 votes
Stoppers Money (Stoppers) - 4 votes
Tjun Downey (_TJUN_) - 2 votes
Max Brewman (Animelife190) - 0 votes