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Bill: Proposed Property Limits For Businesses Act.


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Parliament Member
Aug 17, 2024
Author: Fluffywaafelz MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Amendment To An Act

Give businesses property limits

Preamble: As the current law states, there is no limit as to how many properties a business is allowed to own.

1. Amendment
The Plot Regulation Act should be amended as follows.


2. Business Ownership of Plots
(a) The Ministry of Urban Development shall create, maintain, and manage a database with a registry of all plots that belong to businesses.
(b) Businesses shall release the following information to the ministry upon decision to designate a plot an asset to a business:
(i) Business name (must be registered under the business plugin)
(ii) Plot number
(iii) Owner of the plot
(iv) Sequence of ownership
(v) Purpose for designating the building as a business asset.
(c) Business-owned plots will not count towards a player’s personal plot ownership limit.
(d) The Ministry of Urban Development reserves the right to deny a registration should there be suspicion of attempting to register a busines plot to surpass the individual plot limitation or any other foul play.


2. Business Ownership of Plots
(a) The Ministry of Urban Development shall create, maintain, and manage a database with a registry of all plots that belong to businesses.
(b) Businesses shall release the following information to the ministry upon decision to designate a plot an asset to a business:
(i) Business name (must be registered under the business plugin)
(ii) Plot number
(iii) Owner of the plot
(iv) Sequence of ownership
(v) Purpose for designating the building as a business asset.
(c) Business-owned plots will not count towards a player’s personal plot ownership limit.
(d) The Ministry of Urban Development reserves the right to deny a registration should there be suspicion of
attempting to register a business plot to surpass the individual plot limitation or any other foul play.
(e) Each player will be held to the following limits on total plot ownership for all of their businesses:
(i) These totals account for all of a player’s businesses in total (A player cannot create faux businesses to own more plots)
(i) Two (2) Residential (R) plots
(ii) Two (2) Business (B) plots
(f) Punishment
(i) A $1000 fine will be levied on any business breaking the limits on plot ownership.
(iii) The offending business will have 7 days to fix the offense before being fined again for 200% the last fine amount followed by another 5 day grace period. (i.e. $1000, $2000, $4000, $8000).

Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately upon passage/This Act comes into force x days upon passage. Upon enactment, all businesses that are breaking the limits on plot ownership as specified in the amendment will be given 14 days to fix the offense before being fined as per the outlined punishment.