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General Guide Plots Guide

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All About Plots​

Players can contribute to the building and growth of the city through buying plots. Whether you want to build a nice house, a teeming skyscraper, or a modern mall, it can all be done on a plot!There are three types of plots available for sale. Business plots, marked with a "b" prefix, are plots designed for players to build their businesses around whether it be a spot for a headquarters, a hotel, or a shop. The possibilities are limitless! Residential plots, marked with a "r" prefix, are plots designed for players to live on. Generally, these plots are reserved for primarily residential buildings like homes or townhouses. Although not a plot, the Crown rents out city center shops for player use that are marked with a "cc" prefix. It is important to note that plots are generally very expensive. The cost for a plot is $13.00 per block. This is intentional, and if you are unable to afford a plot, it is strongly recommended to rent an area instead and work up from there! If for a given reason you want to sell a plot you own, it is advisable to sell it to a player directly as the government will only but it back for 25% of the original sale price. For instruction on how to see which plots are for sale, scroll down to the Useful Commands section.Most plots on the islands are able to be navigated to using the GPS system! This is explore more in depth in the Transportation Guide, but essentially, to navigate to a plot you can run /gps start <plot name here>to find it.

Useful Commands:
/as info forsale allows the player to see which plots are available for sale.
/as info forrent allows the player to see which regions are available for rent. Note that all of the regions in this list may not be navigable to using a GPS!/as info region allows the player to see the information for the plot or region they are standing in.
/as info region <region name here> allows the player to see the information for a specific plot or region.
/as info player <player name here> allows the player to see the plots or region another player owns or has permissions for.
/as addfriend <player name here> <region name here> adds a specific player to the specified region or plot.
/as delfriend <player name here> <region name here> removes the permissions of a specific player to modify the specified region or plot.
/as buy allows the player to buy the region or plot they are standing in, if it is available for purchase.
/as rent allows the player to rent the region they are standing in, if it is available for rent.
/as resell <price> <region> allows the player to put the given region or plot into a "resell" mode, allowing other players to easily buy it.
/as stop resell <region here> allows the player to remove a given region or plot from "resell" mode.
/as help displays all of the /as commands