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Act of Parliament Plot Regulation Act

Do the members of this house wish to bring the Plot Regulation Act into Law?

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Staff member
Jun 23, 2024
Author: Regyna Allen MP and Random Intruder MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Act of Parliament



We have seen considerable increase in plot purchases but not have seen a similar increase in plot development due to inactivity. This bill tackles plot inactivity in order to prevent valuable plots from remaining unused due to owner inactivity and to establish a process for handling the property and items of inactive owners. Additionally, as buildings are being pasted into the isles, we have not seen an effort to buy back the supplies spawned in. Finally, there are no limits for how many plots should be owned by any citizen at any time.

1. Plot Limits
(a) Each citizen will be held to the following limits on total plot ownership:​
(i) Two (2) Residential (R) plots​
(ii) Five (5) Business (B) plots​
(b) Each citizen will be held to the following limits on total plot rentals:​
(i) One (1) Farm (F) plot​
(ii) One (1) City Center (CC) plot​
(c) Realtor Job Exception:​
(i) The Ministry of Social Services shall create a Realtor profession, who will be allowed to maintain one (1) additional R plot and one (1) additional B plot, bringing the total to three (3) R plots and six (6) B plots.​
(d) Punishment​
(i) A $500 fine will be levied on any persons breaking the limits on plot ownership.​
(ii) A $50 fine will be levied on any persons breaking the limits on plot rentals.​
(iii) The offenders will have 7 days to fix the offense before being fined again for 200% the last fine amount followed by another 7 day grace period. (i.e. $500, $1000, $2000, $4000).​

2. Business Ownership of Plots
(a) The Ministry of Urban Development shall create, maintain, and manage a database with a registry of all plots that belong to businesses.​
(b) Businesses shall release the following information to the ministry upon decision to designate a plot an asset to a business:​
(i) Business name (must be registered under the business plugin)​
(ii) Plot number​
(iii) Owner of the plot​
(iv) Sequence of ownership​
(v) Purpose for designating the building as a business asset.​
(c) Business-owned plots will not count towards a player’s personal plot ownership limit.​
(d) The Ministry of Urban Development reserves the right to deny a registration should there be suspicion of​
attempting to register a business plot to surpass the individual plot limitation or any other foul play.​

3. Plot Inactivity
(a) If an individual who owns a plot has been absent in-game for 30 consecutive days, they will be evicted from their plot(s).​
(b) If a plot has no significant progress in development:​
(i) After 14 days of purchase, they will be warned by the Ministry of Urban Development.​
(ii) After 30 days of purchase, they will be evicted by the Ministry of Urban Development.​
(c) Notice of Inactivity​
(i) If a plot owner knows that they will be unable to remain active for more than 30 days for any given reason. They may issue a notice of inactivity to the Ministry of Urban Development, notifying them of how long they will be inactive.​
(ii) An active notice of inactivity will protect plot owners from being evicted for either inactivity or lack of development progress.​
(iii) If the individual does not regain activity after the timeframe they have provided, they will still be subject to eviction after that time is over.​
(d) Vaulting​
(i) Upon eviction, all items within the plot, including chests, shulker boxes, barrels, and other storage containers, will be vaulted.​
(ii) Upon eviction, all buildings or structures will be vaulted.​
(e) Auctioning of Buildings​
(i) Any buildings or structures in a player's plot may be subject to auction after 6 months of inactivity from the player should the government chose to do so.​
(ii) The auctioning process will be conducted in a fair and transparent manner, with details and procedures outlined by a ministry chosen by the government.​
(iii) Proceeds from the auction will be deposited into the government's balance.​
(f) Transfer of Ownership for Companies/Businesses​
(i) Should a plot be owned by a company or business, the option for ownership to be transferred down the chain of command may be offered for a one-week period after the 30 days of inactivity.​
(ii) The transferal process will incur a fee determined through an evaluation by The Ministry of Commerce.​

4. Paste Regulations
(a) In order to maintain the livelihoods of citizens of the Isles, every block pasted will need an in-game equivalent block to be removed, whether provided by the building owner or gathered through the government.​
(i) This includes both pastes for government builds or personal builds.​
(b) The Ministry of Urban Development will be in charge of making sure that the building materials are gathered.​
(i) The Ministry is also permitted to create, fill, and maintain a backstock of common building materials to facilitate the collection process.​
(c) The Ministry of Commerce will be in charge of updating and creating pricing for the purchasing of materials for the government.​

This Act comes into force immediately upon passage.
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