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- Jul 4, 2024
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Author: Jack Walker wetc
Sponsor: Jack Walker
Type: Act of Parliament
1. Short Title and Enactment
(1) This bill shall be referred to as the "Miscellaneous Changes & Foreign Affairs Omnibus Act".
(2) This bill was authored by Jack Walker MP.
2. End Racism
(a) To address concerns of discrimination in hiring practices and marketplaces, the following policies will be enacted.
(b) No place of business can refuse sale or purchase on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.
(c) No employer may discriminate against hiring practices on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.
(d) The exception to this practice is sanctions or denouncements of those categories as laid out and voted upon by parliament.
3. Court Revisions
(a) The courts of Azalea shall establish a public policy for carrying out in-game trials, both with or without voice chats.
(b) Defendants in a trial have the right to speedy, in-game trials with or without voice chats; these trials will be allowed to be recorded.
(c) Plaintiffs may motion the courts for an in-game trial with or without voice chats; it is at the judge’s discretion whether this motion shall be approved.
4. State of the Isles
(a) The Prime Minister shall prepare a monthly State of the Isles address summarizing notable legislation, development efforts, and Government operations.
(i) This address shall be made in-game, with copies or abridged versions available in the Government Announcements channel.
5. Construction Progression Revisions
(a) Any plots pending development must be redesigned to demonstrate construction occurring.
(i) This demonstration must include a fence stack no less than three blocks high and no more than five blocks high. The fences must be of the same type and can include reasonable entrance gates. This fence must completely enclose the plot being developed.
(ii) The development demonstration must include prominent displays of typical construction equipment and associated coloring. These could be material piles, cranes, concrete mixers, scaffolding, etc.
(iii) The Ministry of Urban Development will be tasked with creating pre-fabricated designs for various construction equipment, including, at minimum, the aforementioned pieces in 5.a.ii and other reasonable pieces.
(b) Plot owners and developers can request their plots be decorated with the required construction displays by MUD.
(i) MUD will be responsible for appraising the cost of this process for each plot within reason. The equipment may be pasted in without extra fees outside of the cost of materials.
(c) MUD is responsible for determining any construction developments deemed eye sores; these will be removed and fined $1,000 + $100 for each additional day the plot is not in compliance.
(i) Plots that fail to comply with this act within two weeks of assuming new ownership may be seized.
(ii) Plots that fail to comply with this act within a week of assuming new ownership shall be fined $250 for each day it is out of compliance. This fining period shall be rolled over to new owners until the plot complies with this act. A plot may be seized after thirty days of noncompliance.
6. Legal Names
(a) All government documents or legal agreements must reference a player’s legal name, as chosen in their documents registration process. (i.e., wetc → Jack Walker)
(b) All signed documents must be signed with a signature held on file by the Ministry of Social Services or the player’s legal name.
7. Undocumented Servants
(a) No player shall be allowed to run in an election or participate in the Government, including being hired by a Ministry, if their documents have not been registered.
8. Azalean Branding
(a) Official government documents must adhere to branding outlines set forth in the following text.
(b) The color branding will be as follows:
(i) The primary colors of Azalea Isles will be dark violet 9101c9 and tangerine EE7D03.
(ii) Secondary colors shall be white smoke f7f4f3 and raisin black f7f4f3.
(iii) The accent colors will be chocolate cosmos 53131e, burnt umber 8C271E, and dark slate gray 243e36.
(iv) With these colors in mind, the Ministry of Social Services will be tasked with creating a flag design and government seal template promptly.
(c) The typeface branding will be as follows:
(i) Wordmark and high-level messaging shall be in Times New Roman.
(ii) Supporting typeface and ordinary copy shall be in Open Sans
(d) The Ministry of Events and Culture will be responsible for managing the national brand identity and ensuring compliance with this act.
9. Standardized Documentation
(a) To protect the history of our great state, the following guidelines for archival and documentation shall be adhered to.
(i) A government Google Drive shall be created under the ownership of the Crown, henceforth referred to as the Archive.
(ii) This Google Drive shall store every government document and file according to classification level.
(iii) All Ministries will be required to generate and produce documents detailing significant changes in the department, conflicts, issues, resolutions, etc.
(b) Parliament will be required to produce a document for every bill proposed. Additionally, Parliament is required to produce a monthly document summarizing all motions put forth in the month.
(i) All regulatory filings by members of the public or private entities are to be stored in the Archive.
(c) All documents must be in a .PDF format. All documents must be stored with the following naming format:
(ii) The title must be one word and can be a code name, representative title, or relevant word.
(iii) The document manager is the ministry, government official, branch, etc., the document originated from or was created for.
(d) Classification levels will rank from 1-3. Levels will be described as follows:
(i) Level 1: Available for view without redactions or restrictions.
(ii) Level 2: Available for viewing with names, personal information, compromising information, etc., redacted.
(iii) Level 3: Unavailable for viewing outside of royal officials and those explicitly approved by the document manager.
(e) A document cannot remain at a Level 3 classification level for over six months.
(f) The Ministry of Social Services will ensure compliance with these regulations and requirements. The Ministry of Social Services will be tasked with creating template documents for government use at the request of other ministries or branches of government.
10. Heightened Financial Regulation
(a) The Bank of Azalea will be entrusted with producing regulatory policies for the financial industry.
(b) Policy decisions can include but are not limited to: Minimum interest rates on accounts, minimum or maximum fees on accounts, non-personal information disclosure, financial disclosures, document seizures, etc.
(c) The Bank of Azalea is given all necessary and proper powers to carry out this duty.
(d) The Bank of Azalea regulates all financial institutions.
(e) The Bank of Azalea regulates and approves new securities structures and default representative security formats.
11. Aedoris Response
(a) The Government of the Azalean Isles stands with its Queen and officially denounces the aggressive actions of the foreign nation Aedoris.
(b) Azalea denounces Aedoris’ request for monetary compensation related to the ALF-linked bombing of their industrial complex.
(c) Azalea stands with its Queen and rejects any ideas of collusion between the ALF and Azalea or Regalis.
(d) Azalea officially places embargos on all foodstuffs, military equipment, and automobiles of Aedoris design or manufacture.
(e) Azalea prohibits military equipment, gunpowder, and weapons exports to Aedoris and restricts any Aedoris-based news services from operating in the Isles.
12. Court Improvements
(a) In an effort to raise revenue, ease judicial labor pressure, and stop frivolous lawsuits, the following fee structure will be put in place for court proceedings.
(b) Process Fees:
(i) Plaintiffs filing a lawsuit must pay $1,000 to the courts to file.
(ii) Witnesses must be paid $250 for their initial summons and $50 for every question asked. Witnesses' costs will be paid by the individual who called the witness, and question costs will be paid by the individual asking the question.
(iii) Should a case be dismissed for cause deemed frivolous, the filer must pay the courts $2,500.
(iv) All fees owed to the courts will be waived if the trial occurs in-game.
(v) Court Fees are paid at the end of a lawsuit. The judge may compel the other party to pay the full or partial court fees of another party as punishment.
13. Banking Improvements
(a) Article 2 of "Section A.i - Commercial Banks "of the Financial Institution Establishment Act shall be amended as follows:
2. Commercial Banks
(a) Commercial banks are exempt from regular taxes and instead adhere to the following tax structure:
(i) 25% of monthly profits must be paid to the Ministry of Commerce (MoC)
2. Commercial Banks
(a) Commercial banks are exempt from regular taxes and instead adhere to the following tax structure:
(i) 25% of monthly revenues must be paid to the Ministry of Commerce (MoC)
14. Efficient Court Changes
(a) To ensure efficiency in our judicial system, citizens will be afforded new rights.
(b) If defendants and plaintiffs agree, citizens have the right to trial by combat to dictate court outcomes. Parties may choose champions to represent them in the trial.
(c) The judge will oversee the trial by combat, and participants can agree and suggest rules of combat to the judge beforehand, which the judge will then elect to implement or not.
15. City Improvements
(a) To ensure a smoother and nicer-looking urban environment, the following changes will be enacted. These are to be executed and enforced by the Ministry of Urban Development.
(b) Smooth stone borders around plots will be removed and changed to blend in with their environment at the MUD's discretion with input heard from the plot owner.
16. Businesses For All
(a) To ensure a supply of business names for the public and to clamp down on frivolous businesses, the following changes are enacted.
(b) A player may own no more than ten businesses in the game.
17. Financial Safety Improvements
(a) As Azalea’s financial system develops, the prevalence of wrongdoers and con artists is inevitable. To prepare the Isles for this unfortunate reality, the following policies shall be enacted.
(b) All commercial banks, stock exchanges, and other DTIs must have a Senior Compliance Officer on staff who is a lawyer by profession.
(i) SCOs cannot be employed by more than one DTI at any given time.
(c) Mandatory Know Your Customer (KYC) forms must be filed by DTIs for their customers.
(i) The Ministry of Commerce is tasked with creating template forms for DTIs. All KYC forms must be filed with the Ministry of Commerce.
(d) Mandatory Anomalous Deposit Receipt (ADR) forms must be filed by DTIs for their customers.
(i) The Ministry of Commerce is tasked with creating template forms for DTIs. All ADR forms must be filed with the Ministry of Commerce. ADR triggers will be determined and adjusted by the Ministry of Commerce.
(e) DTIs must file Unusual Behavior Alerts (UBA) with the Ministry of Commerce to alert the regulator of suspicious activity.
(i) Failure to file a UBA could result in liability for the DTI for negligence.
(f) The Ministry of Commerce will facilitate communication between different DTI’s SCOs to ensure efficient and swift tracking of suspicious and fraudulent activity.
18. Tavares Development
(a) To prepare the Isles for the growing threat of Aedoris, the following policies will be enacted.
(b) To support Tavares and its High Priestess Seraphine Lumina, the republic will be allowed to use Azalea’s docks for military vessels and arms shipments to reinforce the Isles and provide Tavares a stepping stone to base defense operations out of.
(c) Tavares will be granted land designated by MUD to develop radar stations, munitions depots, and watch towers to better prepare the Isles for foreign aggressors.
(d) Standing with its Queen, Azalea continues to pledge support for efforts to strengthen relations between Tavares, Azalea, and Regalis.
(e) Azalea pledges not to prohibit or tax the sale of oil, gas, and petroleum products to Tavares in recognition of the need for solidarity in these trying times.
19. Defending The Isles
(a) Recognizing that the Kingdom of Regalis is a big nation and that it cannot be the responsibility of Queen Eleanora alone to defend every corner of her kingdom, Azalea will enact the following policies.
(b) The Ministries of Justice, Urban Development, and Economic Affairs will create a joint task force under the oversight of Parliament and the Prime Minister to begin planning for the defense of the Isles.
(c) The task force will be responsible for stockpiling strategic reserves of wartime resources such as oil & gas products, weapons, iron, gunpowder, explosives, munitions, etc.
(d) The task force will be responsible for building and reinforcing the Isles with defense stations, watch towers, weapons & munitions depots, prison compounds, training facilities, etc.
(e) The task force will initially be allocated a budget of $75,000 and can request further funding should the need arise.
20. Azalite Fixes
(a) Article 3 of "Section B - Management of Resource Reserves "of the Financial Stability Act shall be amended as follows:
3. Management of Resource Reserves
(a) The BOA is tasked with maintaining a supply of Azalite equal to the supply of Azalea Dollars in circulation, based on an exchange ratio set by the BOA.
(b) At the time of enactment, the initial exchange rate shall be set at 1 Azalite Ingot = 1,000 Azalea Dollars, subject to future adjustments by the BOA in accordance with economic conditions. The BOA must always be willing and prepared to buy or sell Azalite at the set exchange rate from Investment or Commercial Banks.
(c) The BOA may revise the exchange rate as needed to maintain financial stability, with revisions subject to a public justification.
3. Management of Resource Reserves
(a) The BOA is tasked with maintaining a supply of Azalite to adequately back the currency supply based on the rate decided by the BOA.
(b) At the time of enactment, the initial exchange rate shall be set at 1 Azalite Ingot = 1,000 Azalea Dollars, subject to future adjustments by the BOA per economic conditions. The BOA must clearly outline its policy for purchasing or selling Azalite. The BOA shall only trade directly with Investment Banks.
(c) The BOA may revise the exchange rate as needed to maintain financial stability, with revisions subject to a public justification.
21. Capital Punishment
(a) In recognition of the new challenges and threats faced by the Azalean people, both foreign and domestic, the following policies shall be enacted.
(b) In crimes deemed so severe that they absolutely cannot risk repetition, the courts may request royal approval to carry out an execution.
(c) This execution will end the legal, roleplay life of the convicted and force them to carry a new name. All of their assets will be distributed according to their will. They may not bring any assets from their old life to their new one.
(d) The execution must be approved via simple majority by a jury of six peers, with three selected by the defense and approved by the prosecution and three chosen by the prosecution and approved by the defense.
(e) Executions must be conducted humanely, publicly, and with a week’s notice on the discord. Acceptable forms of execution are listed below and may be amended in the future.
(i) Burned at the stake.
(ii) Firing squad by no less than five (5) executioners with semi-automatic rifles.
(iii) Lethal injection with no less than three (3) dispensers firing Instant Damage II potions. Each dispenser must be loaded with nine (9) Potions and fire the entire rack automatically in under ten (10) seconds.
(iv) Drowning.
(v) Death by bees.
Enactment: This Act comes into force twenty-four hours after passage.
Sponsor: Jack Walker
Type: Act of Parliament
Improve Azalean Quality of Life
Improve Azalean Quality of Life
1. Short Title and Enactment
(1) This bill shall be referred to as the "Miscellaneous Changes & Foreign Affairs Omnibus Act".
(2) This bill was authored by Jack Walker MP.
2. End Racism
(a) To address concerns of discrimination in hiring practices and marketplaces, the following policies will be enacted.
(b) No place of business can refuse sale or purchase on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.
(c) No employer may discriminate against hiring practices on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.
(d) The exception to this practice is sanctions or denouncements of those categories as laid out and voted upon by parliament.
3. Court Revisions
(a) The courts of Azalea shall establish a public policy for carrying out in-game trials, both with or without voice chats.
(b) Defendants in a trial have the right to speedy, in-game trials with or without voice chats; these trials will be allowed to be recorded.
(c) Plaintiffs may motion the courts for an in-game trial with or without voice chats; it is at the judge’s discretion whether this motion shall be approved.
4. State of the Isles
(a) The Prime Minister shall prepare a monthly State of the Isles address summarizing notable legislation, development efforts, and Government operations.
(i) This address shall be made in-game, with copies or abridged versions available in the Government Announcements channel.
5. Construction Progression Revisions
(a) Any plots pending development must be redesigned to demonstrate construction occurring.
(i) This demonstration must include a fence stack no less than three blocks high and no more than five blocks high. The fences must be of the same type and can include reasonable entrance gates. This fence must completely enclose the plot being developed.
(ii) The development demonstration must include prominent displays of typical construction equipment and associated coloring. These could be material piles, cranes, concrete mixers, scaffolding, etc.
(iii) The Ministry of Urban Development will be tasked with creating pre-fabricated designs for various construction equipment, including, at minimum, the aforementioned pieces in 5.a.ii and other reasonable pieces.
(b) Plot owners and developers can request their plots be decorated with the required construction displays by MUD.
(i) MUD will be responsible for appraising the cost of this process for each plot within reason. The equipment may be pasted in without extra fees outside of the cost of materials.
(c) MUD is responsible for determining any construction developments deemed eye sores; these will be removed and fined $1,000 + $100 for each additional day the plot is not in compliance.
(i) Plots that fail to comply with this act within two weeks of assuming new ownership may be seized.
(ii) Plots that fail to comply with this act within a week of assuming new ownership shall be fined $250 for each day it is out of compliance. This fining period shall be rolled over to new owners until the plot complies with this act. A plot may be seized after thirty days of noncompliance.
6. Legal Names
(a) All government documents or legal agreements must reference a player’s legal name, as chosen in their documents registration process. (i.e., wetc → Jack Walker)
(b) All signed documents must be signed with a signature held on file by the Ministry of Social Services or the player’s legal name.
7. Undocumented Servants
(a) No player shall be allowed to run in an election or participate in the Government, including being hired by a Ministry, if their documents have not been registered.
8. Azalean Branding
(a) Official government documents must adhere to branding outlines set forth in the following text.
(b) The color branding will be as follows:
(i) The primary colors of Azalea Isles will be dark violet 9101c9 and tangerine EE7D03.
(ii) Secondary colors shall be white smoke f7f4f3 and raisin black f7f4f3.
(iii) The accent colors will be chocolate cosmos 53131e, burnt umber 8C271E, and dark slate gray 243e36.
(iv) With these colors in mind, the Ministry of Social Services will be tasked with creating a flag design and government seal template promptly.
(c) The typeface branding will be as follows:
(i) Wordmark and high-level messaging shall be in Times New Roman.
(ii) Supporting typeface and ordinary copy shall be in Open Sans
(d) The Ministry of Events and Culture will be responsible for managing the national brand identity and ensuring compliance with this act.
9. Standardized Documentation
(a) To protect the history of our great state, the following guidelines for archival and documentation shall be adhered to.
(i) A government Google Drive shall be created under the ownership of the Crown, henceforth referred to as the Archive.
(ii) This Google Drive shall store every government document and file according to classification level.
(iii) All Ministries will be required to generate and produce documents detailing significant changes in the department, conflicts, issues, resolutions, etc.
(b) Parliament will be required to produce a document for every bill proposed. Additionally, Parliament is required to produce a monthly document summarizing all motions put forth in the month.
(i) All regulatory filings by members of the public or private entities are to be stored in the Archive.
(c) All documents must be in a .PDF format. All documents must be stored with the following naming format:
(ii) The title must be one word and can be a code name, representative title, or relevant word.
(iii) The document manager is the ministry, government official, branch, etc., the document originated from or was created for.
(d) Classification levels will rank from 1-3. Levels will be described as follows:
(i) Level 1: Available for view without redactions or restrictions.
(ii) Level 2: Available for viewing with names, personal information, compromising information, etc., redacted.
(iii) Level 3: Unavailable for viewing outside of royal officials and those explicitly approved by the document manager.
(e) A document cannot remain at a Level 3 classification level for over six months.
(f) The Ministry of Social Services will ensure compliance with these regulations and requirements. The Ministry of Social Services will be tasked with creating template documents for government use at the request of other ministries or branches of government.
10. Heightened Financial Regulation
(a) The Bank of Azalea will be entrusted with producing regulatory policies for the financial industry.
(b) Policy decisions can include but are not limited to: Minimum interest rates on accounts, minimum or maximum fees on accounts, non-personal information disclosure, financial disclosures, document seizures, etc.
(c) The Bank of Azalea is given all necessary and proper powers to carry out this duty.
(d) The Bank of Azalea regulates all financial institutions.
(e) The Bank of Azalea regulates and approves new securities structures and default representative security formats.
11. Aedoris Response
(a) The Government of the Azalean Isles stands with its Queen and officially denounces the aggressive actions of the foreign nation Aedoris.
(b) Azalea denounces Aedoris’ request for monetary compensation related to the ALF-linked bombing of their industrial complex.
(c) Azalea stands with its Queen and rejects any ideas of collusion between the ALF and Azalea or Regalis.
(d) Azalea officially places embargos on all foodstuffs, military equipment, and automobiles of Aedoris design or manufacture.
(e) Azalea prohibits military equipment, gunpowder, and weapons exports to Aedoris and restricts any Aedoris-based news services from operating in the Isles.
12. Court Improvements
(a) In an effort to raise revenue, ease judicial labor pressure, and stop frivolous lawsuits, the following fee structure will be put in place for court proceedings.
(b) Process Fees:
(i) Plaintiffs filing a lawsuit must pay $1,000 to the courts to file.
(ii) Witnesses must be paid $250 for their initial summons and $50 for every question asked. Witnesses' costs will be paid by the individual who called the witness, and question costs will be paid by the individual asking the question.
(iii) Should a case be dismissed for cause deemed frivolous, the filer must pay the courts $2,500.
(iv) All fees owed to the courts will be waived if the trial occurs in-game.
(v) Court Fees are paid at the end of a lawsuit. The judge may compel the other party to pay the full or partial court fees of another party as punishment.
13. Banking Improvements
(a) Article 2 of "Section A.i - Commercial Banks "of the Financial Institution Establishment Act shall be amended as follows:
2. Commercial Banks
(a) Commercial banks are exempt from regular taxes and instead adhere to the following tax structure:
(i) 25% of monthly profits must be paid to the Ministry of Commerce (MoC)
2. Commercial Banks
(a) Commercial banks are exempt from regular taxes and instead adhere to the following tax structure:
(i) 25% of monthly revenues must be paid to the Ministry of Commerce (MoC)
14. Efficient Court Changes
(a) To ensure efficiency in our judicial system, citizens will be afforded new rights.
(b) If defendants and plaintiffs agree, citizens have the right to trial by combat to dictate court outcomes. Parties may choose champions to represent them in the trial.
(c) The judge will oversee the trial by combat, and participants can agree and suggest rules of combat to the judge beforehand, which the judge will then elect to implement or not.
15. City Improvements
(a) To ensure a smoother and nicer-looking urban environment, the following changes will be enacted. These are to be executed and enforced by the Ministry of Urban Development.
(b) Smooth stone borders around plots will be removed and changed to blend in with their environment at the MUD's discretion with input heard from the plot owner.
16. Businesses For All
(a) To ensure a supply of business names for the public and to clamp down on frivolous businesses, the following changes are enacted.
(b) A player may own no more than ten businesses in the game.
17. Financial Safety Improvements
(a) As Azalea’s financial system develops, the prevalence of wrongdoers and con artists is inevitable. To prepare the Isles for this unfortunate reality, the following policies shall be enacted.
(b) All commercial banks, stock exchanges, and other DTIs must have a Senior Compliance Officer on staff who is a lawyer by profession.
(i) SCOs cannot be employed by more than one DTI at any given time.
(c) Mandatory Know Your Customer (KYC) forms must be filed by DTIs for their customers.
(i) The Ministry of Commerce is tasked with creating template forms for DTIs. All KYC forms must be filed with the Ministry of Commerce.
(d) Mandatory Anomalous Deposit Receipt (ADR) forms must be filed by DTIs for their customers.
(i) The Ministry of Commerce is tasked with creating template forms for DTIs. All ADR forms must be filed with the Ministry of Commerce. ADR triggers will be determined and adjusted by the Ministry of Commerce.
(e) DTIs must file Unusual Behavior Alerts (UBA) with the Ministry of Commerce to alert the regulator of suspicious activity.
(i) Failure to file a UBA could result in liability for the DTI for negligence.
(f) The Ministry of Commerce will facilitate communication between different DTI’s SCOs to ensure efficient and swift tracking of suspicious and fraudulent activity.
18. Tavares Development
(a) To prepare the Isles for the growing threat of Aedoris, the following policies will be enacted.
(b) To support Tavares and its High Priestess Seraphine Lumina, the republic will be allowed to use Azalea’s docks for military vessels and arms shipments to reinforce the Isles and provide Tavares a stepping stone to base defense operations out of.
(c) Tavares will be granted land designated by MUD to develop radar stations, munitions depots, and watch towers to better prepare the Isles for foreign aggressors.
(d) Standing with its Queen, Azalea continues to pledge support for efforts to strengthen relations between Tavares, Azalea, and Regalis.
(e) Azalea pledges not to prohibit or tax the sale of oil, gas, and petroleum products to Tavares in recognition of the need for solidarity in these trying times.
19. Defending The Isles
(a) Recognizing that the Kingdom of Regalis is a big nation and that it cannot be the responsibility of Queen Eleanora alone to defend every corner of her kingdom, Azalea will enact the following policies.
(b) The Ministries of Justice, Urban Development, and Economic Affairs will create a joint task force under the oversight of Parliament and the Prime Minister to begin planning for the defense of the Isles.
(c) The task force will be responsible for stockpiling strategic reserves of wartime resources such as oil & gas products, weapons, iron, gunpowder, explosives, munitions, etc.
(d) The task force will be responsible for building and reinforcing the Isles with defense stations, watch towers, weapons & munitions depots, prison compounds, training facilities, etc.
(e) The task force will initially be allocated a budget of $75,000 and can request further funding should the need arise.
20. Azalite Fixes
(a) Article 3 of "Section B - Management of Resource Reserves "of the Financial Stability Act shall be amended as follows:
3. Management of Resource Reserves
(a) The BOA is tasked with maintaining a supply of Azalite equal to the supply of Azalea Dollars in circulation, based on an exchange ratio set by the BOA.
(b) At the time of enactment, the initial exchange rate shall be set at 1 Azalite Ingot = 1,000 Azalea Dollars, subject to future adjustments by the BOA in accordance with economic conditions. The BOA must always be willing and prepared to buy or sell Azalite at the set exchange rate from Investment or Commercial Banks.
(c) The BOA may revise the exchange rate as needed to maintain financial stability, with revisions subject to a public justification.
3. Management of Resource Reserves
(a) The BOA is tasked with maintaining a supply of Azalite to adequately back the currency supply based on the rate decided by the BOA.
(b) At the time of enactment, the initial exchange rate shall be set at 1 Azalite Ingot = 1,000 Azalea Dollars, subject to future adjustments by the BOA per economic conditions. The BOA must clearly outline its policy for purchasing or selling Azalite. The BOA shall only trade directly with Investment Banks.
(c) The BOA may revise the exchange rate as needed to maintain financial stability, with revisions subject to a public justification.
21. Capital Punishment
(a) In recognition of the new challenges and threats faced by the Azalean people, both foreign and domestic, the following policies shall be enacted.
(b) In crimes deemed so severe that they absolutely cannot risk repetition, the courts may request royal approval to carry out an execution.
(c) This execution will end the legal, roleplay life of the convicted and force them to carry a new name. All of their assets will be distributed according to their will. They may not bring any assets from their old life to their new one.
(d) The execution must be approved via simple majority by a jury of six peers, with three selected by the defense and approved by the prosecution and three chosen by the prosecution and approved by the defense.
(e) Executions must be conducted humanely, publicly, and with a week’s notice on the discord. Acceptable forms of execution are listed below and may be amended in the future.
(i) Burned at the stake.
(ii) Firing squad by no less than five (5) executioners with semi-automatic rifles.
(iii) Lethal injection with no less than three (3) dispensers firing Instant Damage II potions. Each dispenser must be loaded with nine (9) Potions and fire the entire rack automatically in under ten (10) seconds.
(iv) Drowning.
(v) Death by bees.
Enactment: This Act comes into force twenty-four hours after passage.
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