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Trade Job Mechanic Guide

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Welcome to the Mechanic's Guide! As a trade job, you can enter the mechanic trade at the university. Ensure that you wish to become a mechanic - as you will be unable to switch trade jobs for at least 48 hours after becoming a mechanic.

Custom Vehicles Information​

Here is a list of the levels and their respective vehicles:

Level 1
  • ATV
  • Bike
  • Green Motorcycle
  • Pizza Bike
  • Red Motorcycle
  • City Scooter
Level 2
  • Chubby Explorer
  • Mogg Contester
  • Fjord F-350
  • Donda Civil
  • FunGuy Elytra
  • BEEP Strangler
  • MINI Goober
  • G-Sun Centre
  • Toyauto Crayola
  • Van
Level 3
  • Ambulance
  • City Bus
  • Fire Engine
  • Forklift
  • Garbage Truck
  • Police Car
  • Postman Car
  • Taxi
Level 4
  • Hauty C3
  • Stuick Chimbo
  • Limousine
  • Dinkin J0n
  • Torche 954
  • Boles Fanum
Level 5
  • Blue Diamond Fiets Man
  • Rainbow Fiets Vrouw
  • Jeep Politie
Level 6
  • Boat Voucher
  • Apache Black Voucher
  • Plane Gray Voucher
  • PM Tank Voucher

Vouchers and Transfers​

When crafting vehicles, the final product of recipes is a vehicle voucher. This is because ownership is automatically assigned to a vehicle once you turn the voucher into an actual vehicle. If you are looking to gift the vehicle to someone else or provide it to an NPC as part of a quest, do not turn it into a vehicle. Turning a voucher into a vehicle loses its original ID which prevents you from using it for a quest.

Crafting Recipes​

For specific recipes related to making vehicles, you should be able to find all the recipes in-game through the /recipes command.

Player Level System​

Mechanics can improve their level by completing quests related to your job. As you advance your levels, you will be able to craft new vehicles. Throughout your quests, you will interact with a range of various NPC characters. This includes an eccentric mechanic, Dan, who is the first character you will interact with.

As you advance levels, your job title will also change:
  • Level 1: Jr Mechanic
  • Level 3: Mechanic
  • Level 6: Engineer

Completing Quests​

Upon getting a trade job on the server, you will get a book titled "Journal" that will contain objectives for your job. This includes speaking with NPCs, collecting materials, and delivering some materials to NPCs. Each trade job has a varying number of quests, ranging from the amount of levels to the job (i.e. 1 level = 1 quest). Once you complete a quest, you advance your next level and can receive rewards. While your quest progress will save if you change jobs, you can only complete quests for the current job you hold.

When you enter into a conversation with an NPC for a quest, you are locked into it until you hit the SPACEBAR or right-click on the message in chat. As your objectives change, you will see a *Journal updated!* notification in chat, which will inform you that the book has changed.

For the job of Mechanic, you will visit three NPCs throughout your quest:
  • Cain
    • Dealership Mechanic, located at -697, 68, 915
  • Dan
    • Dealership Mechanic, located at -704, 68, 928
  • Neil
    • Car Salesman, located at -687, 68, 921
In order to navigate to these NPCs with a live compass arrow, you can use the /gps-coords <coordinates> command. For example, if you are trying to locate Cain, you would do /gps-coords -697 68 915

Objectives for quests can vary. If you are asked to deliver materials to an NPC, you must ensure you have the full amount in your inventory. For example, if the objective is to give 128 dirt to an NPC, then you must have at least 128 dirt in your inventory when you click on the NPC. You do not need to have the item equipped in your hand, as the NPC will take it directly from your inventory. Your progress will be tracked with a checkmark on the "Journal" book.

Please be advised that any abuse of the quest system is prohibited by the rules and may result in severe punishment. Since the quest system is in beta, any issues or exploits need to be reported to staff.