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Drakova is a high-control, isolationist nation run by Generalissimo Kael Vostok.

Capital: Drakova City
Demonym: Drakovan
Government: Military Dictatorship
Head of State: Kael Vostok



Drakova's trade is extremely limited to essential or strategic trades. They commonly export minerals and often import food, equipment, and weaponry only as needed.

Most of what is known comes from external resources. The official history of Drakonia is highly limited.

Drakova, established approximately half a century after Regalis, holds the distinction of being the second oldest nation. Its origins trace back to the aftermath of cattle theft incidents that led to the exile of certain individuals by Regalis.

Over the years, Drakova's reputation has been marred by incidents such as the arrest of a Drakovic for the assassination of Regalis's former president and the involvement of Drakovics in religious terrorism in Tavares.

In 1913, a group of primarily young Drakovics, driven by dire living conditions, sought refuge on Mosen's shores. Their plight garnered attention when they spoke to the media about the hardships in Drakova before mysteriously disappearing within the year.

In 1946, Drakova faced a major setback due to a devastating earthquake that disrupted its resource extraction operations. In response, the nation issued an appeal to world leaders for assistance.

In contemporary times, Drakova has initiated a program allowing individuals to relocate to the nation. However, this program is rigorous and demanding of what it asks from its applicants.