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Criminal Code


Jun 26, 2024
In order to further the Kingdom’s interest in protecting the general public, this code has been compiled to promote public safety. Henceforth, the following actions are illegal and shall come with the prescribed punishment.

PvP or Violent Offences​

  • 1.1 Murder
    • It shall be illegal to kill another person.
      • Punishment: Fine of $50 dollars + 5 minutes of jail per instance.
  • 1.2 Assault
    • It shall be illegal to cause bodily harm exceeding 3 hearts.
      • Punishment: Fine of $25 dollars per instance.
  • 1.3 Threats of Harm
    • It shall be illegal to threaten someone with harm or place someone in fear of harm using a weapon.
      • Punishment: Fine of $25 dollars per instance.
  • 1.4 Incitement
    • It shall be illegal to convince someone to commit a crime.
      • Punishment: Same punishment as to the crime that was incited per instance.
  • 1.5 Robbery
    • It shall be illegal to take, steal, or come into adverse possession of any item, monies, material, papers, property, or any other real or intangible object from any person, legal entity, organization, or the government; excluding Azalea Isle’s bank.
      • Punishment: Fine not exceeding 1.5 times the amount stolen + up to 60 minutes of jail per instance.
  • 1.6 Bank Robbery
    • It shall be illegal to take any item, monies, material, papers, property, or any other real or intangible object from Azalea Isle’s bank.
      • Punishment: Fine not exceeding $1000 dollars and 15 minutes of jail per instance.
  • 1.7 Resisting Arrest
    • It shall be illegal to refuse an order of a lawful entity to present yourself for arrest.
      • Punishment: Fine of $50 dollars per instance.
  • 1.8 Trespassing
    • It shall be illegal to refuse to leave a premise or property after being asked to do so by a lawful owner or manager of said premise or property.
      • Punishment: 5 minutes of jail per instance.

Government Offences​

  • 2.1 Contempt of Court
    • It shall be illegal to refuse an order from a judge or justice in a court case.
      • Punishment: Fine not exceeding $500 dollars + up to 10 minutes of jail per instance.
  • 2.2 Failure to Follow a Judgment
    • It shall be illegal to refuse to fulfill a lawful judgment.
      • Punishment: Forcible seizure of any item monies, material, papers, property, or any other real or intangible object to satisfy the lawful judgment in full + up to 10 minutes of jail per instance.
  • 2.3 Perjury
    • It shall be illegal to tell any lie before any government entity.
      • Punishment: Fine not exceeding $500 dollars per instance.
  • 2.4 Corruption
    • It shall be illegal for any person with any government job to refuse to fulfill their duty or use their position for personal gain or for the gain of a friend.
    • Any person who attempts to get any person with any government job to refuse to fulfill their duty or use their position for personal gain shall be charged with Incitement of Corruption.
      • Punishment: Minimum fine of $10,000 dollars exceeding proportional to the damage of the corruption + 60 minute jail + removal from any government job.
  • 2.5 Treason
    • It shall be illegal for any person to subvert national sovereignty or security.
      • Punishment: Fine of up to $10,000 dollars + 40 minutes of jail + removal from any government job.
  • 2.6 Bribery
    • It shall be illegal to attempt to or actually pay someone with a government job for personal gain or for the gain of a friend
    • Any person with any government job who accepts money in exchange for unlawful actions shall also be charged with Bribery.
      • Punishment: Fine not exceeding 1.5 times the amount paid to the government job + 40 minute jail + removal from any government job.


  • 3.1 Unlawful Assembly
    • It shall be illegal to gather with others for the intention of committing an unlawful act, intimidating the general public, and disrupting government sanctioned events.
      • Punishment: $500 dollar fine + 10 minutes of jail on the first instance. $1,000 dollar fine and 60 minutes of jail on every instance after.
  • 3.2 Failure to Follow a Dispersal Order
    • It shall be illegal to fail to leave an area after a lawful order to disperse has been given.
      • Punishment: 10 minutes of jail time per instance.
  • 3.3 Selling a Prohibited Item
    • It shall be illegal to sell an item that you do not have the legal ability to have, possess, or control.
      • Punishment: Seizure of Prohibited Items + a fine not exceeding $10,000 dollars per instance.
  • 3.4 Trafficking a Prohibited Item
    • It shall be illegal to carry on your person, on your private property, or on your personal property, any item that you do not have the legal ability to have, possess, or control.
      • Punishment: Seizure of Prohibited Items + a fine not exceeding $10,000 dollars per instance.
  • 3.5 Criminal Fraud
    • It shall be illegal to attempt to use intentional deception to secure unfair gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right.
      • Punishment: Fine not exceeding 1.5 times the amount that was gained from the fraud and/or up to 1 hour of jail per instance.

Legal Procedures for Criminal Cases​

  1. In any instance where a crime could give a punishment of a fine that could exceed $1,000 dollars or give 30 minutes or more of jail, a prosecutor must head the case.
    • a. Police may still detain someone for an alleged crime under this category, however, that person must be prosecuted within the statute of limitations.
    • b. In any instance where an alleged crimes’ punishment is less than the amount described in 4.1, Police may apply the punishment without a trial.
  2. In any instance where a person may be removed from their government position, have items seized, or have an indeterminate fine based on damages, a prosecutor must have a valid judgment from a judge prior to any punishment being given.
  3. A fine may only be applied by police once someone has been apprehended and arrested.
  4. Police are to adhere to the Guiding Principles and Constitution. This includes asking for a warrant from the court prior to going onto any personal or private property.
  5. The Statute of Limitations for all actions shall be 2 months.