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General Guide Crime Guide

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Welcome to the Crime Guide! While this is not an official job in the game, you can spend countless hours up to devious hijinks and tomfoolery! With CityRP's proprietary CityCrime plugin, players are able to participate in heists, muggings, robbery, spice trafficking, gang wars, and more!

General Mechanics
  • After each crime is committed, the player is given "heat points".
    • You can view your wanted level by running the /wanted command
    • Heat points decrease by 1x per second
  • Players will have 2 minutes after being murdered to run /911
  • Players will be combat logged as the initiator for 45 seconds after first attacking another player.
  • The Ministry of Justice will enforce crimes as the police, and laws/crimes can be found in the Criminal Code
  • RDM Rules Apply (See on Rules page of the Wiki)

Gang Wars​

Ever wanted to control the criminal underworld? On CityRP, you and your friends can create a gang and capture territories as a group!

How It Works:
Players can create/join a gang and capture the 2 control nodes (found at /gps start airstrip & /gps start warehouse). by spending the most amount of time in the area and controlling over 50% of the boss bar. However, if multiple gangs are in the node at the same time, only the one who was there first will fill up the bar. Therefore, if Gang A was there first and accumulating node points, Gang B would need to remove Gang A from the premises to start adding their node points to the bar. PVP is highly encouraged in these areas, and /911 reports are disabled in each of the nodes.

If a gang is able to win the control node, they will be granted exclusive permissions to craft Spices (ultra buffed herbs that will surely get citizens hooked on their long-lasting effects) and certain guns. Furthermore, if a gang member is wanted, standing in their control node will decrease their heat point count by 1.25x.

For every gang member in the control node, 1 point will be granted towards the boss bar every second. To improve the efficiency of this, players may level up their gangs for a price! The ratios for the four levels include:
  • Level 1 (default): 1x Node Point per second
  • Level 2 ($5,000): 1.25x Node Points per second
  • Level 3 ($15,000): 2x Node Points per second
  • Level 4 ($40,000): 2.5x Node Points per second

Gang Commands:
  • /gang create <name> - Create your gang
  • /gang disband - Disband your gang
  • /gang info - View your gang's members and level
  • /gang invite <player> - Invite another player to your gang
  • /gang top - View your gang's progress in each of the control nodes
  • /gang joinaccept - Accept an invite from a gang
  • /gang leave - Leave a gang
  • /gang levelup - Boost your gang's control multiplier
Gang Outpost Farm
  • If your gang controls at least one of the two control nodes, you will have access to build/mine on a farming plot nearby the airstrip. Be careful! You can lose access if your gang loses control of a control node.

Robberies and Heists​

Sometimes, turning to crime is simply just the more economical choice for players on CityRP. Up to 4x a day, players are able to rob the Police Station Supply Room and Bank!

How It Works:

Every 5 hours players will be able to break into the Bank Vault and Police Supply Room:
  • Bank Vault - Break the iron doors in the basement of the bank to start the robbery. You will have 60 seconds to break as many gold blocks as you can for between $75-200 per block.
  • Police Supply Room - Walk into the supply room to start the robbery. You will have 60 seconds to open as many chests and complete as many mini games as you can for loot that is both default, and illegal items the police have impounded from other players.


Every 10 minutes, players will have the opportunity to mug the players they murder for up to 0.5% of their balance by running the /rob command. (The 10 minute cooldown is currently a work in progress. As we configure it, we hope that you will honor code this feature in the meantime). Players will have 30 seconds after committing murder to rob their victims. As referenced above THE RDM RULE APPLIES HERE STILL


Players are able to obtain illicit substances, also known as "spices", for trade and recreational purposes. These can be obtained through mining grass, and you may find things like Copeam, Theriam, and other substances. The only way that you can harvest these spices is if you are in a gang that holds a control node. In addition to getting spices from growing these plants, you also get XP for it.
  • Theriam: 15 minute grow time
  • Lunar: 20 minute grow time
  • Pluto: 25 minute grow time
Keep in mind once you've planted these spices, you won't be able to harvest them if your gang loses access to the control node.