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Chief of Police CIF


Parliament Member
Parliament Speaker
Jun 28, 2024
Consideration Interest Forum - Chief of Police
The Government of Azalea Isles has opened up this thread for open-interest submissions to the Chief of Police. Please be advised that this is not an application, but rather just a way for people to indicate that they would like to be considered for the role.

The Chief of Police will be tasked with operating the Police Department.

Expectations for the Chief of Police
  • Ministers are expected to:
    • Remain consistently active through their tenure where possible.
    • Hire, fire, and manage employees in their Department.
    • Be accountable to members of the public and the government.

Responsibilities of the Police Department
  • It is expected that the Police Department will:
    • Enforce the criminal code and laws of Azalea Isles in-game.
    • Oversee and manage a database containing criminal records.
    • Operate police-related facilities, including the prison and police station.

When submitting your interest in the Chief of Police, please use this format:

Reason for Interest:
Possible Ideas or Plans:
Current Experience in Azalea:
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Name: Stoppers Adisa
Reason for Interest: To maintain peace in our glorious nation.
Possible Ideas or Plans: Peace and love
Current Experience in Azalea: I mine in the mines like my fellow citizens. I'm also a humble MP and the owner of a very small family-ran business.

I retract my Consideration of Interest.
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Name: Oliver Spy
Reason for Interest:
I want to put the combination of my leadership qualities from previous departments along with my experience in the police department to good use and improve the quality, safety and efficiency of the department by doing so.
Possible Ideas or Plans:
I want to invest on police training, making sure every cop knows what he's doing and what he can and can't do. I also plan on making communication more streamlined and straight-forward within the department. Additionally I want to focus on recruiting enthousiastic
Current Experience in Azalea:
I have worked my way up in the police department to the position if Sergeant. I hereby have worked closely with the minister and I have hands-on experience from every position in the police department.
Luke TheGreat
Reason for Interest:
Active experience in revitalising and overhauling in adequately run departments. Also wish to provide atleast a little competition for the position.
Possible Ideas or Plans:
A better more active system of crime prevention and discouraging of crime before it occurs. I wish to create systems and procedures to combat police overreach and breaches of public trust. Furthermore, I would like to build systems for victims of potential police brutality, overreach or other breaches of public trust and safety to anonymously and safely report the officers so that they may be penalised while stopping targeting and other forms of retaliation against the person or persons from the infracting officer.
Current Experience in Azalea:
As stated above I have previously been a minister in the Ministry of Commerce which I overhauled and re-built from the ground up. I also have wide range of expertise in the world of security, fiancé and accounting and business management from my many companies.
I also drink a lot of whiskey which I think is a important factor in picking police chiefs working of my extreme level of film noir and other film watching.