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Beginner Tutorial

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Beginner Tutorial​

This guide is aimed to assist players when they're first starting or if there's something they want a refresher on.

In Game Tutorial​

The first objective when you first log into the server is to complete the New Player Tutorial. While it might seem tedious, it will guide you not only through some of the major locations in the server, but will also give you $1,300 of money, bringing your total up to $1,800 after completion of the tutorial.

For each NPC, you can visit them using /gps start <NPC Name>
Step 1: Talk to Nate
Step 2: Talk to Taylor
Step 3: Talk to Wilfred
Step 4: Talk to OJ
Step 5: Talk to Monica (Capitol)
Step 6: Talk to Martin (Library)
Step 7: Talk to Mr. Jobs
Step 8:Talk to Rooze to fill out your papers

Getting Around​

GPS System​

As you run around the server finishing the tutorial, you'll see that there's a lot of coordinates for you to follow. Don't feel like pressing F3 and constantly having a bunch of text on your screen? There's solutions! /gps-coords start <coords> will allow you to have a gps point you to the right direction. /gps start <list of gps points> will allow you to directly be pointed towards these places The following NPCs all have gps points attached to them: [list of NPCs]


Registered your place and ready to start playing the server? You can set a home to teleport back to one place quickly! Each player by default has 1 (one) home, but with (ranks)[link to ranks], you can get more. /sethome <home name> will create a new home. If you don't fill out the <home name>, it will default to "home"/delhome <home name> will delete a home /home <home name> will teleport you to your home. If you have more than one home, please specify which one. (edited)


There are 3 (three) warps around the server that can help you move around.
will open up a gui menu with the three options: spawn, mines, and wilderness. The spawn warp will teleport you to spawn. This warp also has a special command,
, to allow you to get there faster. The mine warp will teleport you to the entrance of the mines, which is located in the southern area of the main island. The wilderness warp will teleport you to the top island of the wilderness. This is where you can gather more resources and laws from the city do not apply here.


There is also an online real time map, called a Dynamic Map or Dynmap for short, that shows players locations and the whole world. This is very useful if you're exploring places for the first time and want to keep track of where you are relative to other areas. The link is https://map.cityrp.org/

Need some land?​

The best way to get land when first starting is to rent from either the government or other players. Government rent plots that are available are all accessible via gps while player ones are not. /as info forrent will list the options availble. The Ministry of Social Services will have a register of open rental options available or you can always as in chat and many people will provide answers.

How Can I Make Money?​

Starting out, you'll likely not have enough money to buy a plot to set up a shop yet. Therefore, you can start by selling items to shops on the server that others own. Check around the Discord or ask in game for who has shops with sell chests, and you can sell your items there.

Picking a good job to start out is also important. Because of the expensive materials needed, it is highly unrecommended to start as a mechanic or gunsmith. Cooks also have to buy from farmers, but it is less expensive. The most immediate way to get money is by being a farmer or miner, since there are numerous shops around the server who will buy these from you.

Where Can I Get Resources?
The mining/block gathering system on CityRP is unique as it revolves around a regenerative block system where players will break a block, the block turns into bedrock, and then turns back after some time to be mined again.

You can gather materials at the mine, using /warp and then clicking the mine cart, or in the wilderness, using /warp and then clicking the tree. Beware, keepInventory is off in the wilderness, so if you die, you will lose your items.

How Can I Pay someone or Check Their Balance?
You can pay someone using /pay <name> <amount>. However, this only works when that player is online.
You can use /bal <name> to check someone's balance.

Why Do Some People Have Names Not Their Username?
When you first register your papers for the server as part of the tutorial, you can register under a roleplay name. You can use /names to open up a gui to chose whether to display your roleplay name or your username. If you're a donor, you can also chose colors here.

You might notice that you can't use tab to get to people's roleplay names for commands. Type in their usernames instead to use commands like /pay.

How Can I Whisper to Someone Else?
There are several chats that are useful for different purposes.
Global chat, activated by default or using /g, is broadcasted to the whole server.
Local chat, activated by /l, is broadcasted to those close to you.
Whispers, done by /whisper <name> or /msg <name>, is only between you and that person.

If you send a message with the /l or /g prefix, it won't change your whole chat settings, but only change it for that one message.
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