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Act of Parliament Amendments to the Parliamentary Establishment & Standards Act


New member
Jun 30, 2024
Author: Jebediah Crumplesnatch MP
Sponsor: N/A
Type: Amendment to an Act


Preamble: These amendments are intended to fix issues discovered during the first month of parliament, and to establish some additional standards.

2. Members of Parliament - Addition of Clauses (c:i) and (e)
(a) While non-elected individuals may perform duties and roles within Parliament, only elected Members of Parliament may vote.
(b) Members of Parliament shall adhere to the highest standards of integrity and public service, and shall always abide by the Parliamentary Code.
(c) Members of Parliament are required to disclose any conflicts of interest, and recuse themselves from such discussions and votes.
(i) At their own discretion, the Speaker may allow members to continue to partake in a debate despite a conflict of interest.
(d) There shall exist a 2 week ‘honeymoon period’ at the beginning of a new Parliament, Members of Parliament who were elected as part of a political party will be expected to vote with/support their parties on major issues, concerning the formation and stability, of Parliament - primarily in the support for their party in forming a government or an opposition (Note: This clause is not intended as a way to force MP’s to vote a certain way on bills and other such matters and should not be used as such - this clause CANNOT be invoked in any scenario which would not otherwise threaten the cohesion of the majority or opposition, it only exists as a clause by which to ensure the initial stability of Government and protect from early defections arising from campaign fraud or Machiavellian political manoeuvring). Violation of the ‘honeymoon period’ will be considered as grounds for removal from Office, which must be done through the Supreme Court in a civil trial - if the Justice believes there to be sufficient grounds for the case, and that continued membership of the Parliament would be damaging, they may suspend the Member in question in response to an emergency injunction.
(i) In order for an MP to be removed/suspended under the 'honeymoon period' clause it must be proven that they deceived voters during their election, for example by running under one party with the intention of defecting to another party after the result has been announced in order to give that party a bigger share of the Parliament.
(ii) An exemption will exist to the 'honeymoon period' where the MP who is voting against/not-supporting the party they were elected with can do so if they have been deceived by party leadership, or the victim of campaign fraud or machiavellian political maneuvering themselves. MP's need to be able to defect without fear of losing their seat in the event that they have a serious moral objection towards their party leadership.
(e) Members are expected to take part in every vote, regardless of whether or not an outcome has been decided by the majority. Failure to do so will be considered a breach of their duties and continued failure could lead to suspension from the house.
(i) Suspension from the house will be at the discretion of the Speaker, and will last for no more than 1 day per vote missed.

3. Speaker of the House - Rejigging of clause (a) and addition of clauses (e) and (f)
(a) The Speaker of the House is responsible for maintaining order and decorum during parliamentary sessions.
(i) The Speaker shall ensure that debates are conducted fairly and that all members have the opportunity to participate.
(ii) The Speaker shall oversee the enforcement of the Parliamentary Code, the Standing Orders, and general ethical standards.
(iii) The Speaker must remain impartial and refrain from participating in debates and votes, except to break ties - so long as they are also an elected Member of Parliament, if they are not then they shall never vote.

(b) If the number of possible elected seats in Parliament elected is an even number then the appointed Speaker must also be an MP, if the number of elected seats in Parliament elected is an odd number then the appointed Speaker cannot also be an MP.
(c) The Speaker shall be elected by a simple majority vote of Parliament.
(d) Any Member of Parliament may trigger a Vote of No Confidence in the Speaker, to be conducted by the Elder of the House, at any time. The Speaker shall be removed by a simple majority vote of Parliament.
(e) The Speaker must remain impartial
(i) The Speaker will refrain
from participating in debates and votes, except to break ties - so long as they are also an elected Member of Parliament, if they are not then they shall never vote.
(ii) The Speaker will resign any party memberships and may not join a party until 2 weeks after leaving the role of speaker.
(f) The Speaker may unilaterally bring about new standing orders and procedures for the House to follow, however these must be declared with 72 hours notice, and may be overturned by the house with a 2/3 majority.

4. Elder of the House - Adding of Clause (c:i)

(a) The Elder of the House is a senior MP who provides guidance and mentorship to newer members. The Elder shall assist in fostering a respectful and collaborative parliamentary environment.
(b) The Elder of the House shall be the MP who has the longest current continuous service in the House. In the instance that two or more MP’s have the same length of service then the MP with the longest CityRP playtime will be Elder.
(i) The Elder cannot also serve as Speaker of the House, Leader of the Majority, Leader of the Opposition, or as a Minister. In the event that they assume any of these roles the next eligible member will become Elder of the House.
(c) The Elder of the House shall conduct the election of the Speaker of the House when that role is vacant.
(i) In the event that the Elder wishes to stand for the role of Speaker, the next eligible member will become Elder of the House.

9. Parliamentary Panels - New Section Entirely
(a) Parliamentary Panels are a sub-group of parliamentary committees. They can be established by a single member of Parliament, to undertake factfinding projects or draft proposals for a more senior Parliamentary Committee. A panel can be dissolved by the founding member, or with a simple majority of Parliament.
(b) Panellists will be appointed by the founding member.
(i) Members can be removed by the House with a simple majority.
(c) The Members of Parliament running a panel is entirely responsible for the conduct of its members, and may be penalised for wrongdoing committed by panel members.

Existing clauses 9-12 renumbered to 10-13.

Enactment: <This Act comes into force immediately upon passage>
"By the authority invested the in Kingdom of Regalis, and in the loyal people of Azalea Isles, I hereby declare Amendments to the The Parliamentary Establishment & Standards Act to be law in the Isles, with the full force of enactment."
- Queen Eleanora of the Kingdom of Regalis