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Aedoris, under the reign of King Evald IV, stands as a nation distinguished by its prowess in industrialism, technological innovation, and arms manufacturing.

Capital: Aedoris City
Demonym: Aedorian
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Head of State: Evald IV



Aedoris primarily exports weaponry and manufactured goods.

Centuries ago, Aedoris was a land of fertile valleys and rugged mountains, inhabited by disparate tribes and factions. The many groups the made up the region were in constant conflict that was further fueled by the inability to understand one another. Amidst this, a priest named Aedon emerged. Aedon took it upon himself to learn from each group in the region and learn parts of their languages and cultures. With this knowledge, Aedon was able to unite the tribes under a single banner through diplomacy and strategic alliances, laying the groundwork for what would become the constitutional monarchy of Aedoris with Aedon being the first in the line of kings.

With stability came prosperity, and Aedoris rapidly began to flourish as the people came to understand one another and share their discoveries. With time, Aedoris became a center for technological innovation and industrial development. Blessed with abundant natural resources and a skilled workforce, Aedoris became renowned for its advancements in machinery, engineering, and arms manufacturing. As the nation industrialized, its influence expanded across the continent. Aedoris became a key player in regional politics and economics, leveraging its technological prowess to forge alliances and secure trade routes.

At a pivotal moment in Aedoris' history, a proposal for a royal marriage between the heirs of Aedoris and Regalis emerged. The union promised to unite two powerful nations and create a formidable alliance in an increasingly turbulent world. Negotiations between the two kingdoms commenced, but tensions arose over the terms of the agreement. While both sides saw the potential benefits of the merger, they struggled to reconcile their differences in governance, economic policies, and territorial ambitions. Despite extensive diplomatic efforts, an agreement could not be reached. The proposed merger ultimately collapsed, leaving both nations to pursue their paths independently.

In the aftermath of the failed merger, Aedoris doubled down on its commitment to industrialism and technological innovation. The setback served as a catalyst for renewed focus and investment in research and development. However, a competitor quickly arose as one of Regalis' colonies, what would become the nation of Speidon, began to quickly advance their technology which posed a threat to Aedoris' industry.

Faced with the rising technological prowess of Speidon, Aedoris recognized the need to maintain its competitive edge. The nation embarked on an ambitious initiative to bolster its research and development capabilities, investing heavily in education, infrastructure, and scientific exploration. Additionally, Aedoris heavily collaborated with other nations to corner the market in a strategic attempt to drive Speidon towards failure. However, attempts failed due to Regalis' international influence and their heavy support of Speidon. To supplement the places in which Aedoris lost business due to the rise of Speidon, the country invested in further developing their production of weaponry and manufactured goods.

In modern times, Aedoris and Speidon still continue to compete and as a result of this, there has been numerous technological discoveries over the past decades that have continued to reshape life as it is known. Their relationship continues to remain tense, but it has grown to be somewhat healthier as time has went on.
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