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  1. MilkCrack

    Case: Dismissed Crumplesnatch v. MilkCrack (2025) CV 03

    Your honour, I would like to request a 24-hour extension.
  2. MilkCrack

    Bill: Passed Standing Orders for the FOURTH Parliament

    Standing Orders for the FOURTH Parliament 1) Quorum a) 50% of all Parliamentary seats should be filled for Parliament to function. i) Any suspended members are counted as a filled seat, even though they are barred from taking part in a vote. ii) Any empty seats due to...
  3. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Crumplesnatch v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 02

    OPENING STATEMENT I respectfully ask Your Honour to fully consider and rule on these arguments. I have done my best to address the points raised, and while Your Honour accused me of testifying, I hope my arguments will still be considered. I am uncertain whether I am even permitted to make...
  4. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Crumplesnatch v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 02

    FINAL MOTION TO RECONSIDER Your honour, It's not a secret I disagree fundamentally, with these proceedings. I have clearly outlined my arguments in my answer to the complaint, and motion to dismiss and your Honour has ignored them. Instead, your honour has chosen to strike them for 'Hearsay'...
  5. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Crumplesnatch v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 02

    MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Your honour, I am being held in contempt of court for 'failing to respond'. You yourself have previously warned me for making statements when I was not asked to respond. The plaintiff has made a motion to amend my complaint, to strike something from the arguments I...
  6. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Nanicholls v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 01

    CLOSING STATEMENTS Your Honour, The state acknowledges the disorder in this case, partly due to an overburdened department. However, the plaintiff’s lack of clarity and evidence has been equally detrimental. The reason this case was allowed to continue was that the plaintiff would prove that...
  7. MilkCrack

    Case: Dismissed Crumplesnatch v. MilkCrack (2025) CV 03

    MOTION FOR SANCTION Your Honor, It is critical to distinguish between myself and the government in this matter. While I have chosen to assist in defending the government's legal position due to limited government resources, this does not merge my identity with that of the government. We remain...
  8. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Crumplesnatch v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 02

    Expedited hearing. It's clear that the court has no interest in protecting the parliament from frivolous, politically motivated lawsuits that lack standing. As such the parliament has been forced to devote significant resources, to its defence in court. Spending dire time and resources that...
  9. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Crumplesnatch v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 02

    Your Honour, I would like to apologise and we are willing to pay a reasonable fine. I did not get a notification, that your honour has posted a reply. However, I must emphasize the immense workload faced by the Government Legal Team due to cases of this nature. That's why I would like to ask to...
  10. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Nanicholls v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 01

    Your honour, I would contend that 24 hours is not a reasonable deadline. However, I do thank the court for allowing us to submit the following evidence. Attachment 1-3 evidence is taken from the case Azalea Isles v. Galavance (2025) CR 03 which this case is about as well. Attachment 4 is...
  11. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Nanicholls v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 01

    Your Honour, my understanding is that the standard deadline is 48 hours. Assumingly in an attempt to speed up the trial, you have already denied the defence the opportunity to present an answer to the complaint moving straight to opening statements after the motion to dismiss. Disallowing us...
  12. MilkCrack

    Case: Dismissed Crumplesnatch v. MilkCrack (2025) CV 03

    Your honour, I am a bit confused now about the defendants of this case. It's my understanding, that the amendment to the complaint targeted the government specifically leaving out Milkcrack as a private individual by leaving them out of the prayer for relief. However, they still intend to prove...
  13. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Crumplesnatch v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 02

    Your honour, we reject the expedited hearing. Motion to Dismiss The defendant respectfully moves this Court to dismiss the plaintiff’s complaint on the grounds that the plaintiff lacks standing to bring this action and the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to rule on this issue. Lack of...
  14. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Nanicholls v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 01

    Your honour, the plaintiff has failed to respond prior to the deadline. I move that we continue with questioning the witness for the defence.
  15. MilkCrack

    Case: Dismissed Crumplesnatch v. MilkCrack (2025) CV 03

    Motion to Dismiss Representing myself Your Honour, According to the Constitution of the Azalea Isles, this court lacks subject matter jurisdiction over the plaintiff's complaint. The Constitution explicitly defines civil trials as disputes between two parties: "The courts shall be...
  16. MilkCrack

    Act of Parliament Ministries Establishment Act

    Author: MilkCrack Sponsor: MilkCrack Type: Act of Parliament A BILL TO Establish government departments 1 - Short Title and Enactment (a) This bill shall be referred to as the "Ministries Establishment Act". (b) This bill was authored by Prime Minister Milkcrack. 2 - Reason (a) Formalizing...
  17. MilkCrack

    Case: Dismissed Jebediah Crumplesnatch v. The "Prime Minister"

    Your honour, seeing as the plaintiff has decided to challenge, the existence of protection against personal liability for official acts I would like to supplement my motion to dismiss with the case law in The_Donuticus vs SimplyMadi. With the ruling on the motion to dismiss stating: "Therefore...
  18. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Nanicholls v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 01

    Witness list: We would like to call Nanicholls to the stand.
  19. MilkCrack

    Case: Adjourned Nanicholls v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 01

    Your Honor, the original defence attorney was busy so I will take over for now. Opening Statement During this trial, we will clearly show that the plaintiff Nanicholl has no case.
  20. MilkCrack

    Case: Dismissed Jebediah Crumplesnatch v. The "Prime Minister"

    MOTION TO DISMISS All the alleged facts would be official acts performed during the course of my duties as Minister of Urban Development and Prime Minister. As such I can not be sued for them personally, and the plaintiff's grievances are with the government and not me. Furthermore, the...