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    Act of Parliament Standing Orders for the 1st Queens Parliament

    Parliament has voted as follows, resulting in the passage of this bill: Mr. Donut Donuticus, MP: Aye Mr. Jedediah Crumplesnatch, MP: Aye Ms. Elaina Thomas, MP: Aye Mrs. Regyna Allen, MP: Aye Mr. Shadow Nba, MP: Aye
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    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    1) I'm pretty sure Krix took about $7 both times - please refer to the evidence below, from my May 19 (5/19) chat logs. 2) I have no particular animosity or resentment towards Krix. Even though our relationship hasn't been great over time (and especially on other servers), I think that's all...
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    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    Questions for xBlu2 1) Why did you claim that Krix killed you 10+ times when records state that it only happened 6 times? 2) Do you have a grudge or harbour dislike for Krix? 3) Would you lie in court if it meant that Krix would be prosecuted? Questions for Ansgardd 1) You say that you had a...
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    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    I was killed by Krix at least 6+ times. And in terms of how many deaths I sustained before transferring my funds, I'd estimate at least 10. It had gotten to the point where the /911 command failed to report them. I had never had to go to such lengths as transferring my funds prior to the...
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    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    1. The evidence says that you were killed by Krix 2 times, is this true? Yes, I do recall being killed twice by Krix. 2.Did both robberies happen while you were carrying a balance? Yes, both robberies did happen while I was carrying a balance.
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    Reppal v. Azalea Isles, (2024) CV 01

    This has been settled out of court. I thank the court for its time.