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  1. fluffywaafelz

    Bill: Failed Property Limits For Businesses Act.

    Author: Fluffywaafelz MP Sponsor: N/A Type: Amendment To An Act A BILL TO Give businesses property limits Preamble: As the current law states, there is no limit as to how many properties a business is allowed to own. 1. Amendment The Plot Regulation Act should be amended as follows. FROM...
  2. fluffywaafelz

    Act of Parliament Fiscal Allocation and Management Act.

    Author: fluffywaafelz MP Sponsor: Luke201556 MP Type: Act of Parliament A BILL TO Allocate funds to ministries and ensure fiscal accountability Preamble: Recognizing that ministries have long operated without being allocated real funds or budgets, this Act seeks to establish a structured...
  3. fluffywaafelz

    Case: Adjourned fluffywaafelz v. ko531 (2024) CV 03

    fluffywaafelz, Plaintiff v. ko531, Defendant Civil Complaint: The Defendant repeatedly killed and robbed the Plaintiff. This action of mass murder caused the Platintiff large amounts of mental and financial distress. In total the Defendant robbed $499 from the Plaintiff, which is a large sum...
  4. fluffywaafelz

    Lebron James

    I am Lebron James. I am a miner and I enjoy playing basketball.