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  1. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    As I have previously stated your honor, I am happy to arrange for a demonstration - however doing so will lead to arrest by the MoJ. Perhaps a court order from yourself to allow this demonstration to take place?
  2. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    I have been informed that it is the case by my client as this is what has happened to him, I would be happy to arrange for a demonstration for the court - however I would be arrested by the MoJ for doing so.
  3. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    Your honor, if I may ask to address the court directly on these motions for sanctions as they are a direct response from the prosecution to our allegations of perjury against the Prosecutor, it is simply an attempt to use the court to intimidate the Defence as to save their own skin...
  4. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    Objection on the grounds of Perjury your honor, I have been informed that the "crime watchers system" would indeed provide a robbery alert even if no money was taken as a result of '/rob' being ran, so for example if the victim had no money in their account.
  5. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    Motion to Strike: Your honor this is a disgrace, The prosecution states "The defendant is free to submit evidence proving that the murder was in self-defense and we’ll ask that this charge be dropped from the prosecution.". While previously stating, in their resubmission, "At some point, the...
  6. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    We do not want an ingame trial. Furthermore we submitted a motion to strike your honor? We have not been able to respond to the charges of murder by the Prosecution because of their failure to file any factual allegations regarding the murder charge, we cannot proceed to our opening statements...
  7. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    Your honor, In the face of this horrific miscarriage of justice your honor with the continuation of this case, the Defence wishes to submit a plea of Not Guilty. Parties: 1. Plaintiff: The Royal Colony of the Azalea Isles, lead by prosecutor Matthew Romanus 2. Defendant: Krix, represented by...
  8. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Your honor, the states handling of this case has been farcical - to continue with this case and not dismiss it after it was filled as a civil case and my client dragged through the streets is deeply unfair to my client. My client deserves a fair trial and continuing...
  9. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    Answer to Civil Complaint: Our laws are simple, as we are a new nation we do not have to worry about a whole mess of laws and issues, loopholes and technicalities. For this reason it is insane to see that the Ministry of "Justice" has illegally seized and detained by client - despite the law so...
  10. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    Your honor as this is a new legal system we require a extra 24 hours to fully familiarise ourselves with all the minutia of the law as written and legal situation.
  11. The_Donuticus

    Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    The DouCo Law Firm will be representing Krix in this trial.
  12. The_Donuticus

    Reppal v. Azalea Isles, (2024) CV 01

    Reppal, Plaintiff (represented by the DouCo Legal Firm) v. Azalea Isles Police Department (AIPD), Defendant Civil Complaint: Corruption grips the heart of our Police Department, negligence and corruption. Where Officers within the AIPD feel they can murder honest hard working citizens with...