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Property Regulation Guidance


Jun 26, 2024
In order to provide a cohesive, up-to-date guidance on property regulation, the following exists.

Note: The Farm Regulation Act, which largely governed how farms are to be regulated, was repealed by the passage of the Production on Plots Act (February 18, 2025).

Regulations and Punishments

Regulation TitleCausePunishmentCitation
Plot InactivityOwning a plot while being absent in-game for 30 consecutive days (with some exceptions)They will be evicted from their plot immediately.Plot Regulation Act. 3a
Lack of ProgressPlot with no significant progress in its development.(i) After 14 days of purchase, they will be warned.
(ii) After 30 days of purchase, they will be evicted.
Plot Regulation Act. 3b
Lack of ConstructionPlots pending development that have failed to demonstrate construction occurringAfter purchase, the plot owners may be warned. After two weeks, the owner may be evicted.Misc. Changes & Foreign Affairs Omnibus Act, 5a
Eyesore Industrial Animal FarmFarms and animal farms are allowed in industrial plots must be hidden unless they are not an eyesore.(i) If deemed an eyesore, the owner has 14 days to make necessary modifications.
(ii) If the issue is not fixed within 14 days, a $1000 fine will be issued, along with an additional 7-day extension
(iii) If the issue remains unresolved, MUD is authorized to remove the building, allowing the owner the normal building period to retain the plot
(iv) If a player disputes an eyesore notice, they may appeal it to Parliament.
Production on Plots Act, 5, 6 and 7
Improper Animal FarmHaving an animal farm on a residential or business plot (with some exceptions).(i) Immediate removal and confiscation of the farm.
(ii) A fine of $50 per animal and $10 per crop, enforced by the Ministry of Justice.
Production on Plots Act, 6 and 7
Machinery in a ResidenceIndustrial machinery and redstone setups (with some exceptions) present on a residential property(i) Immediate removal and confiscation of the farm.
(ii) A fine of $50 per animal and $10 per crop, enforced by the Ministry of Justice.
Production on Plots Act, 7

Construction Progress Compliance
Following the passage of the Misc. Changes & Foreign Affairs Omnibus Act by the Parliament of Azalea Isles, there is now a series of complex regulations involving progress on your plot. This guidance is to help you ensure you are complaint:

Required Construction Demonstration:
  • Any undeveloped plots must visually indicate construction activity.
  • A fence stack between three to five blocks high of the same material must enclose the plot, with appropriate entrance gates if needed.
  • The plot must include realistic construction elements such as material piles, cranes, concrete mixers, and scaffolding.
Support from the Ministry of Urban Development (MUD):
  • MUD will provide pre-fabricated construction equipment designs.
  • Developers may request MUD to decorate plots with required displays at a reasonable cost covering materials only.
Penalties for Non-Compliance:
  • MUD may fine and remove any construction developments deemed an eyesore.
  • Non-compliant plots will be fined $1000 plus $100 per additional day.
  • New plot owners have two weeks to comply before the plot may be seized.
  • After one week, fines of $250 per day will apply, continuing until compliance is met. Plots out of compliance for 30 days may be seized.

Production on Plots
Following the passage of the Production on Plots Act by the Parliament of Azalea Isles, there is now a series of complex regulations involving farms on your plot. This guidance is to help ensure you are complaint:

Farm Definitions:
  • A farm is any group of more than five crops within a two-block radius.
  • An animal farm is more than one of each animal type within a plot.
Farm Plots ("F" Plots):
  • Only citizens with a Farmer degree or companies 25% owned by a Farmer degree holder can buy or rent these plots.
Industrial Plots ("I" Plots):
  • Farms and animal farms are allowed but must be hidden unless they are aesthetically acceptable.
  • MUD will determine if a farm is an eyesore:
    • Owners have 14 days to fix any issues.
    • Failure to comply results in a $1,000 fine and an additional 7-day extension.
    • Continued non-compliance leads to building removal.
    • Owners can appeal to Parliament with a $500 filing fee.
Business Plots ("C" and "B" Plots):
  • Farms and animal farms are banned on business plots.
  • Penalties for violations:
    • Farms will be removed immediately.
    • Fines: $50 per animal, $10 per crop.
    • Decorative single animals or crops are allowed.
Residential Plots ("R" Plots):
  • Banned:
    • Farms and animal farms (except decorative crops/animals).
    • Industrial machinery.
    • Redstone setups (except hidden storage/sorting systems).
  • Penalties match business plot violations.
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