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Case: Pending Nanicholls v. Azalea Isles (2025) CV 01

Your Honour, my understanding is that the standard deadline is 48 hours.

Assumingly in an attempt to speed up the trial, you have already denied the defence the opportunity to present an answer to the complaint moving straight to opening statements after the motion to dismiss. Disallowing us from presenting any evidence pre-trial.

And now you have chosen to shorten the already short deadline of 48 during the trial to 24 hours arbitrarily. Thereby disallowing the defence from even questioning witnesses?

Furthermore, the time on the forums is not accurate to the time zones, how does the court expect council to find out which time is which in the timezones?

How can the court expect the council to calculate the time, come up with evidence, write statements, and do research for every dispute within such an extremely limited timeframe?

How does the court expect new lawyers to get guidance and help to manoeuvre their way to the legal system when the timeframes are so extremely short and are changed arbitrarily without reason from 48 to 24 to 12?

I understand that your honour has multiple cases and wishes to move along a few but this should not be done at the detriment to the defence.
As for the missed answer to complaint, this was an oversight and error on my end due to both parties barraging the Court with various requests, and the Defence changing counsel mid-case. I apologize, however would point out that the Defence had the opportunity to answer the details of the complaint in the opening statement, but opted for a single sentence response to the Court instead.

Nonetheless, since you did not have the opportunity to present any evidence in an answer to the complaint, you may send any additional evidence you wish to present within the next 24 hours to this case. This evidence will be evaluated in the closing statements.

As for the witness questioning, we are beyond that timeframe pursuant to deadlines. It is expected that both parties will ensure they are responding to the Court within a reasonable timeframe. In the event that you are unable to respond to the Court with that specified timeline, you are asked to request an extension that will typically be granted on a case-by-case basis of understanding.
Your honour, I would contend that 24 hours is not a reasonable deadline. However, I do thank the court for allowing us to submit the following evidence.

Attachment 1-3 evidence is taken from the case Azalea Isles v. Galavance (2025) CR 03 which this case is about as well.

Attachment 4 is taken from political forum channels clearly showing the deputy leader of nanicholls green party posting attack ads against the CDU which would include at the time the Prime-Minister, Fluffywaafelz and wetc.

Attachment 5 is taken from #Ads channel clearly showing the plaintiff posting an ad for people to join and run under his party, the Green Party.


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Thank you.

The Plaintiff is asked to provide their closing statement to the Court. They may include a response to such evidence in their statement.