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Act of Parliament Gambling Governance Act

Do the members wish to bring this bill into law?

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Sep 17, 2024
Author: Milqy MP
Sponsor: Wetc MP
Type: Act of Parliament

Govern casinos and other recreational facilities.​

Preamble: This bill aims to set the tone and foundation for how casino’s, lotteries, and other recreational facilities operate and move forward with themselves.

1. Definitions
(a)Casino: Any entity or individual that provides gambling games or activities, including but not limited to slots, jackpots, or other games of chance, in exchange for money or goods with the possibility of winning additional money or goods.​
(b) Lottery: Any game, contest, or promotion that combines the elements of prize, chance, and consideration.​
(c) Slots: Slot machine means any mechanical, electrical, video, electronic, or other device, contrivance, or machine which, after insertion of a coin, token, or similar object, or upon payment of any required consideration whatsoever by a player, is available to be played or operated, and which, whether by reason of the skill of the player or application of the element of chance, or both, may deliver or entitle the player operating the machine to receive cash premiums, merchandise, tokens, redeemable game credits, or any other thing of value other than unredeemable free games, whether the payoff is made automatically from the machines or in any other manner.​

2. Structures
(a) Casino’s, and other recreational facilities, will be forced to openly display odds for every gambling operation within its facilities.​
(i) Slots will need odds displayed for each individual machine, if there are multiple operating within the same premises then all machines will need their individual odds displayed to the public. The odds displayed must be accurate, and must be in the form of a sign placed no further than 2 meters from the gambling machine.​
(ii)Lotteries will need the odds displayed of the chance of winning at the end of every lottery “session”, or “season”. The odds must be displayed in at least one of the following options for the lottery to be considered legal.​
(1) In a message with everyone entered, and the individual odds of winning in the main email chain, where it is publicly visible.​
(2) A message board where people originally purchased the tickets, or otherwise objects, displaying the odds of the tickets.​
(2.1) The message board must be placed within 5 meters of the original ticket purchasing facility.​
(2.2) The message board must display true and accurate odds of winning and losing.​
(3) A direct message to each individual contestant, with their odds of winning the lottery, and if they had won the lottery or not.​
(3.1) For this method to be done, a wheel must be spun with all names, and the amount of entries per name must be on the wheel. The winning person, business, or entity must be sent to the Ministry of Commerce to verify if said person, business, or entity has won the money, goods, service, or other material or immaterial object that they are entitled to.​
3. Enforcement.
(a)The ministry of commerce will have full authority over all Casinos, Recreational Facilities, Lotteries, and slots.​
(i) The Ministry of Commerce will be able to test machine’s if they believe that they are operating with fake odds displayed.​
(ii) The Ministry of Commerce will need to put the amount of money that they use testing into the Ministry’s budget, at the Minister’s discretion.​

(b) If a casino, or recreational facility does not have odds displayed, the Ministry of Commerce will follow the procedure laid out below.​
(i) 1st offence: Warning​
(ii) 2nd: $250 fine​
(iii) 3rd: No longer being allowed to host games of chance for 1 month subject to criminal prosecution with a set amount of jailtime / monetary fine.​
(1) Jail time being 30 minutes for every infraction, with an additional $2,500 fine for every infraction.​

Enactment: This Act comes into force immediately upon passage.
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"By the authority invested the in Kingdom of Regalis, and in the loyal people of Azalea Isles, I hereby declare the Gambling Governance Act to be law in the Isles, with the full force of enactment."
- Queen Eleanora of the Kingdom of Regalis