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Case: Adjourned Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

The witness claims they were killed by my client more than 10 times, however the evidence from the chatlogs shows it only happened 6 times, this is an established fact it CANNOT have happened more than 10 times - it is clear that either their memory of events is completely wrong or they are being intentionally mistruthful with the goal of harming my client. I personally believe that xBlu2 has committed perjury in their answer.

Motion to Strike
I motion to strike all of xBlu2 testimony for the reasons given above.

Motion to Strike
I motion to strike all of RandomIntruders testimony as by their own admission they are still in training and therefore not a qualified expert.
The witness claims they were killed by my client more than 10 times, however the evidence from the chatlogs shows it only happened 6 times, this is an established fact it CANNOT have happened more than 10 times - it is clear that either their memory of events is completely wrong or they are being intentionally mistruthful with the goal of harming my client. I personally believe that xBlu2 has committed perjury in their answer.

Motion to Strike
I motion to strike all of xBlu2 testimony for the reasons given above.

Motion to Strike
I motion to strike all of RandomIntruders testimony as by their own admission they are still in training and therefore not a qualified expert.
Whether or not you personally believe they committed perjury is irrelevant. There is insufficient evidence to prove perjury. Therefore your objection is overruled, you may challenge the validity of the witness testimony during cross.

Furthermore, I'll allow RandomIntruder's testimony.

The defence may start questioning the witnesses. You have 48 hours ( by the 23rd of June 1 am GMT+1)
So Milkcrack let me get this right, This Blue person has said that I have murdered them 10 + times but its only possible that it happened 6 times via chat logs. Either they're lying or They dont recall what happened at all and they're making stuff up.

RandomIntruders testimony is also ridiculous they have no expertise and by allowing their testimony you are turning this court into a laughing stock.
Questions for xBlu2
1) Why did you claim that Krix killed you 10+ times when records state that it only happened 6 times?
2) Do you have a grudge or harbour dislike for Krix?
3) Would you lie in court if it meant that Krix would be prosecuted?

Questions for Ansgardd
1) You say that you had a balance when you were robbed by Krix, how much money do you claim was taken?
2) Do you have a grudge or harbour dislike for Krix?
3) Would you lie in court if it meant that Krix would be prosecuted?
1) I'm pretty sure Krix took about $7 both times - please refer to the evidence below, from my May 19 (5/19) chat logs.

2) I have no particular animosity or resentment towards Krix. Even though our relationship hasn't been great over time (and especially on other servers), I think that's all behind us now and we've both moved on from those childish disagreements. As a matter of fact, we tend to discuss a bit more on discord DMs than we used to. I wouldn't consider Krix my best friend either, but I think it's fair to say that we're now on good terms.

3) I wouldn't lie against someone in court, even if I totally despised them (which is not the case for Krix, as previously stated). However, I find deeply shocking and revolting the assumption that I would lie against Krix because we have had issues in the past. It's a contempt for my moral values, values which I wouldn't trade for any personal gain (which I don't see the prospect of in this case, by the way). All my previous statements to this court have been true, and this one is no exception.


Additional evidence, my balance on the day I was robbed:

Motion to Suppress Evidence
Chatlogs are infamously unverifyable and thus we ask that they be completely removed from this case.
Motion to Suppress Evidence
Chatlogs are infamously unverifyable and thus we ask that they be completely removed from this case.
Overruled. Although Chatlogs can easily be forged if the witness can attest to their authenticity. They will be given the same weight as the witness's testimony.
xBlu3 please answer the questions within the next 48 hours (by 27-6-2024 at noon GMT+1) or you will be held in contempt:
1) Why did you claim that Krix killed you 10+ times when records state that it only happened 6 times?
2) Do you have a grudge or harbour dislike for Krix?
3) Would you lie in court if it meant that Krix would be prosecuted?
As our questions have not been answered, and thus we have not been given the chance to expose xBlu3's lies in this court we ask that the court reconsider our original Motion to Strike his testimony.
As our questions have not been answered, and thus we have not been given the chance to expose xBlu3's lies in this court we ask that the court reconsider our original Motion to Strike his testimony.
Blu3x's testimony will be stricken from the record as the defence did not have an opportunity for cross-examination.
If either side has any questions for the current witnesses, please submit your intention to do so within the next 24 hours, otherwise, they will be dismissed. (please submit before 29th of June at Midnight)
Alright, all current witnesses are dismissed.
Blu3x is held in contempt and the Moj is authorized to fine them $50.
Writ of Summons

Azalea Isles Criminal Court (CR)

Case No. CR-24-0001-01

Witnesses for the defence.

The following people are hereby required to appear in court regarding Azalea Isles v. Krix, (2024) CR 01 to testify and provide any requested documents related to the case: Dusty_3, WaffleSlime, The_Donuticus, Reppal, Soundi83, xLayzur, Welsh_Mongoose and TeafLeaf

Please answer the questions promptly, after 48 hours of being asked, and to the best of your ability.
Witnesses are not required to confirm they are present before answering.

All witnesses are advised that they are under oath and should they give knowingly false information they will be subject to perjury charges, which carry a minimum fine of $500 per instance.


Judge MilkCrack​
Reppal and Welsh Mongoose could not be found on the discord. If the defence wishes them here, they must serve the summons themselves.
The defence has 48 hours to present their questions.
Seeing as the defence has failed to respond. Does the prosecution have any questions for these witnesses? Please answer within 48 hours.
Then I would like to apologise to the witnesses on behalf of the defence, for wasting your time. All witnesses are dismissed. The prosecution may present their closing statements within the next 48 hours.

Furthermore, I will also require confirmation from the defence on their intent to file a closing statement within the next 48 hours.
Your honor,

This case is incredibly simple. The defendant did the crime. The crime-watcher system found it. We have victims. Even if the defense is taken at their word, no more than 4 charges can be dismissed due to lack of balance. The probability of the defendant robbing at least some people with a balance is 100%. Witness testimony has confirmed that the defendant has robbed people. All we request at this time is a favorable verdict that will help set the course of the common criminal law.

Thank you for your time.