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  1. RandomIntruder

    Act of Parliament Corporate Establishment Act

    Author: Random Intruder MP Sponsor: N/A Type: Act of Parliament A BILL TO Codify Corporate Establishment Preamble: The purpose of this Act is to facilitate economic growth and innovation on the server by providing a framework for the formation, regulation, and dissolution of corporations. 1...
  2. RandomIntruder

    Bill: Failed Amendment to the Parliamentary Establishment and Standards Act

    Author: Random Intruder MP Sponsor: N/A Type: Amendment to the Parliamentary Establishment and Standards Act A BILL TO AMEND THE PESA Preamble: Once a MP is elected into parliament, there is currently no way to remove them from office should they fail to meet the standards expected of them...
  3. RandomIntruder

    Act of Parliament Taxation Act

    Author: Random Intruder MP Sponsor: N/A Type: Act of Parliament A BILL TO LEGISLATE TAXATION FOR THE ISLES Preamble: The citizens of the Isles have been paying taxes to the Crown at an unknown rate. This bill aims to create transparency and legislative power to control the taxation rates of...
  4. RandomIntruder

    Act of Parliament Plot Regulation Act

    Author: Regyna Allen MP and Random Intruder MP Sponsor: N/A Type: Act of Parliament A BILL TO PROVIDE REGULATIONS FOR PLOT OWNERSHIP Preamble: We have seen considerable increase in plot purchases but not have seen a similar increase in plot development due to inactivity. This bill tackles...
  5. RandomIntruder

    Minister of Commerce CIF

    Name: Random Intruder Reason for Interest: I hope to see more care placed towards making decisions that will greatly impact the economy of the server as well as offer analytics for companies, the government, and as a whole. Possible Ideas or Plans: 1. Creation of an analytics department to...
  6. RandomIntruder

    Case: Adjourned Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    I am the leading math scholar in the Isles University (I am one class away from a Bachelors in Applied Mathematics in real life).
  7. RandomIntruder

    Case: Adjourned Azalea Isles v. Krix (2024) CR 01

    1. In your view, what do you think of the statistical probability calculations over the given situation. After reviewing the analysis, I believe that your argument about the data having been collected on the 31st, after the 19th, is a valid concern. However, Dusty_3, the main person who could...